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Aerobic respiration evolved as oxygen levels increased in Earth's atmosphere. This process allows living organisms to efficiently extract energy from food by using oxygen to break down glucose molecules and produce ATP. As oxygen became more abundant, organisms that could perform aerobic respiration gained a significant evolutionary advantage.

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Q: Which process in living things evolved as oxygen levels increased in earths atmosphere?
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What was the importance of photosynthesis in the evolution of the earths atmosphere?

Photosynthesis played a crucial role in the evolution of Earth's atmosphere by producing oxygen as a byproduct. This process greatly increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, making it possible for aerobic organisms to thrive and leading to the development of more complex life forms. The rise of photosynthetic organisms also contributed to the stabilization of Earth's climate over time.

True or false Scientists think that the first life forms on earths probably did arise from nonliving materials?

True. Scientists believe that the first life forms on Earth likely arose from nonliving materials through a process known as abiogenesis. This theory suggests that simple organic molecules gradually evolved into more complex structures that eventually led to the development of life.

How much of earth's atmosphere is composed of nitrogen gas?

The earths atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen

List 4 major reservoirs for carbon in the earth system?

The atmosphere, the ocean, and the terrestrial biosphere.Carbon can be found in the earths oceanic and continental crust in different types of stones as well as in the soil from the decay of organic matter.

How did earths atmosphere get its free oxygen?

Earth's atmosphere got its free oxygen through the process of photosynthesis by early photosynthetic organisms, such as cyanobacteria and algae. These organisms used sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. Over time, this led to the buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere, fundamentally changing the composition of Earth's air.

Related questions

How has the earths atmosphere changed?

The earths atmosphere has significantly altered over the years. The process of the earth's atmosphere was recognized and evolved 2.7 billion years ago, forming the nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere that exists today. This change enabled the formation and beginning of the ozone layer (which along with magnetic fields) block solar radiation.

What are the advantages of using a spectroscope?

it has increased vision since its out of earths atmosphere

What is main cause of earths atmosphere changing over time to support life?

Green plants evolved adding oxygen to the atmosphere.

Which process producer most of the oxygen in earth's atmosphere?

The process that produces most of the oxygen in Earths atmosphere is photosynthesis. Plants use this process to create food.

Why was there no oxygen in earths original atmosphere?

The early Earth's atmosphere lacked oxygen because oxygen was not initially produced by photosynthetic organisms. Instead, the atmosphere consisted primarily of gases emitted from volcanic activity, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. Oxygen levels increased over time as photosynthetic bacteria and plants evolved.

What greenhouse gas produced by humans activities has dramatically increased in earths atmosphere?

CO2; Carbon Dioxide

How has earth atmosphere changes since it first formed?

The earths atmosphere has significantly altered over the years. The process of the earth's atmosphere was recognized and evolved 2.7 billion years ago, forming the nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere that exists today. This change enabled the formation and beginning of the ozone layer (which along with magnetic fields) block solar radiation.

How would earths atmosphere be different if organisms capable of photosynthesis not evolved?

It will remain as reductive atmosphere. Ther will be only gases like NH3, H2 , H2S. H2O. There would be no life

What do you think earths atmosphere would be like today if life had not evolved on earth?

Almost no oxygen, lots of CO2, still mostly nitrogen.

Which Process of water cycle provides most of the water vapor in earths atmosphere?

Evaporation from the ocean

What process adds oxygen to earths atmosphere?


How do geologists think earths atmosphere formed?

how do geologists think earths atmosphere is formed