

Best Answer

The pronoun me must be used for the compound, indirect object 'Jeffery and me'.

The first person pronoun 'me' is used based on the use of the first person possessive adjective 'our', describing the sunglasses (which is the direct object of the verb 'hand')

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Q: Which pronoun best fits in the blank of the sentence Please hand Jeffery and blank our sunglasses?
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Which one of the following sentences uses pronouns correctly A Please give Paul and I your undivided attention B Jacob and me are going to set a meeting date?

Both of the sentences given (A & B) have pronoun errors.A. Please give Paul and I your undivided attention.The personal pronoun "I' is a subject pronoun used as the indirect object of the verb "give".The correct objective, first person, personal pronoun is "me".The possessive adjective "your" is used correctly to describe the noun "attention".The correct sentence is: "Please give Paul and meyour undivided attention. B. Jacob and me are going to set a meeting date.The personal pronoun "me" is an object pronoun used as part of the compound subject of the sentence.The correct subjective, first person, personal pronoun is "I".The correct sentence is: Jacob and I are going to set a meeting date.

Is the word her a common noun?

No, the word her is a personal objective pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun as the object of a sentence or phrase; or an adjective, a word that describes a noun. Examples:Pronoun: Please give her change to her.Adjective: Please give her change to her.

What is the noun clause of this sentence Mrs Smith will loan whomever needs it money for lunch?

The direct object of the verb "will loan" is "money" (the complete direct object is the noun phrase "money for lunch").The indirect object is the noun clause "whomever needs it". However, the pronoun "whomever" is incorrect. Although the noun clause is functioning as an indirect object of the verb, the pronoun is the subject of the clause.The noun clause should read, "whoever needs it".

Is please a pronoun?

No, please is usually used as an adverb. ("Please make me a sandwich") although it can be a verb too ("She knows how to please me.")

Which is the correct sentence please be patience or please have patience?

Please have patience is the correct sentence.

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The object pronoun in a sentence is the pronoun that receives the action of the verb. Can you please provide a sentence so I can identify the object pronoun for you?

What is the pronoun case in the sentence Please send an invitation to Bob and she?

The pronoun in the sentence is "she".The pronoun case of the personal pronoun "she" is subjective.The pronoun "she" is an incorrect case for this sentence.The correct sentence is: "Please send an invitation to Bob and her."The reason is because "Bob and her" is the object of the preposition "to".

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Please provide the sentence so I can accurately determine the type of pronoun.

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The pronouns in the sentence "please tidy your room yourself" are "your" (possessive pronoun) and "yourself" (reflexive pronoun).

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Without a specific sentence provided, it's difficult to determine which pronoun is lacking a clear antecedent. Please provide a sentence to help clarify.

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Could you please clarify your question? It seems like there might be a misunderstanding in the phrasing.

How do you use the word me in a sentence?

You can use the word "me" as an object pronoun in a sentence to show the receiver of an action. For example, in the sentence "She handed the book to me," "me" is the recipient of the action of handing.

What is the noun clause of this sentence mrs. Smith will loan whomever needs it for lunch?

The correct noun clause in this sentence is "whoever needs it", which is functioning as the indirect object of the verb "will loan".Please note that the pronoun "whoever" is the subject of the noun clause and should be the subjective case.The pronoun "whomever" an object pronoun.

What structure is used in this sentence mrs smith will loan whomever needs it money for lunch?

The correct noun clause in this sentence is "whoever needs it" which is functioning as the indirect object of the verb "will loan".Please note that the pronoun "whoever" is the subject of the noun clause and should be the subjective case.The pronoun "whomever" an objective pronoun.

Which is the prepositional phrase in this sentence?

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. Can you please provide the sentence you are referring to so I can identify the prepositional phrase within it?

Can you please tell me a sentence for pronouns?

Pronouns take the place of nouns in a sentence; for example:Mother will pick us up today. She will be here at four.The pronoun 'us' takes the place of the names of the speaker and one or more other persons that mother will pick up. The pronoun 'she' takes the place of the noun 'mother' in the second sentence.

Which one of the following sentences uses pronouns correctly A Please give Paul and I your undivided attention B Jacob and me are going to set a meeting date?

Both of the sentences given (A & B) have pronoun errors.A. Please give Paul and I your undivided attention.The personal pronoun "I' is a subject pronoun used as the indirect object of the verb "give".The correct objective, first person, personal pronoun is "me".The possessive adjective "your" is used correctly to describe the noun "attention".The correct sentence is: "Please give Paul and meyour undivided attention. B. Jacob and me are going to set a meeting date.The personal pronoun "me" is an object pronoun used as part of the compound subject of the sentence.The correct subjective, first person, personal pronoun is "I".The correct sentence is: Jacob and I are going to set a meeting date.