

Best Answer
  • mass
  • volume
  • density
  • color
  • diameter
  • cost
  • weight
  • shape
  • total energy (potential + kinetic)
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3d ago

The mechanical energy of the ball is conserved as it falls freely in a vacuum, meaning the sum of its potential and kinetic energy remains constant. Additionally, the total momentum of the ball is conserved during its free fall.

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Q: Which properties of a ball is conserved as it falls freely in a vacuum?
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What increases As an object falls freely in a vacuum?

As an object falls freely in a vacuum, its speed increases due to gravity causing acceleration. The acceleration experienced is constant, leading to a linear increase in velocity over time.

As an object falls freely in a vacuum its?

velocity increases as it falls due to the force of gravity acting on it. Since there is no air resistance in a vacuum, the object will continue to accelerate until it reaches its terminal velocity or hits the ground.

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They would fall in same time in a vacuum, but if air is present the ball falls faster due to high air resistance on the leaf

Can you analyze the Motion of a freely falling body?

Approximately, yes. But detailed analysis would require you to take account of its aerodynamic properties, of any rotational motion as it falls, etc.

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In air, yes. In vacuum, no.

A stone falls freely from rest. How far does it fall during the first 10 seconds?

490 meters

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As an object freely falls downwards, its speed and kinetic energy increase due to the acceleration of gravity. At the same time, its potential energy decreases as it moves closer to the surface of the Earth.

A stone falls freely from rest. What is its velocity after 8 seconds?

78.4 m/s

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The equation for speed or fast is v=at and the distance is d=1/2 at2 the acceleration is 'a'.