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The mass of an object is a property that cannot be changed by a force. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is constant regardless of the force acting on it.

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Q: Which property of an object cannot be changed by a force?
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Which property of a body cannot be changed if a force is applied to it?

The mass of a body cannot be changed when a force is applied to it. The force may cause the body to move or accelerate, but the mass remains constant.

Can a force change a mass of an object?

No, a force cannot change the mass of an object. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object that remains constant regardless of the force applied to it. The force can change the object's velocity or acceleration, but not its mass.

How can the speed of an object can be changed?

The speed of an object can be changed by applying a force to it in the direction of motion. Increasing the force will accelerate the object, while reducing the force will slow it down. Additionally, changing the mass of the object will also affect its speed.

When an object has its motion changed the cause is generally what kind of force?

When an object's motion is changed, the cause is generally a net external force acting on the object. This force can come from interactions with other objects or fields in the environment, causing a change in the object's velocity or direction of motion.

Why is weight not an inherent property of an object?

Weight is not an inherent property of an object because it depends on the gravitational force acting on the object. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity pulling on an object, and can vary based on the location of the object in relation to a massive body like the Earth. An object's mass, on the other hand, represents the amount of matter it contains and is an inherent property.

Related questions

Which property of a body cannot be changed if a force is applied to it?

The mass of a body cannot be changed when a force is applied to it. The force may cause the body to move or accelerate, but the mass remains constant.

Can a force change a mass of an object?

No, a force cannot change the mass of an object. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object that remains constant regardless of the force applied to it. The force can change the object's velocity or acceleration, but not its mass.

Which property of an object could be changed if that object traveled to anther planet?

The object's weight would change due to differences in gravity on another planet.

How can the speed of an object can be changed?

The speed of an object can be changed by applying a force to it in the direction of motion. Increasing the force will accelerate the object, while reducing the force will slow it down. Additionally, changing the mass of the object will also affect its speed.

When an object has its motion changed the cause is generally what kind of force?

When an object's motion is changed, the cause is generally a net external force acting on the object. This force can come from interactions with other objects or fields in the environment, causing a change in the object's velocity or direction of motion.

How do you find the force of an object with just the mass and angle of object?

You cannot find the force without knowing the velocity or acceleration of the object.

How can the inertia be destroyed?

Inertia, being a property of matter, cannot be destroyed. It can be overcome by applying a force to an object to change its state of motion or rest. Once the force is removed, the object will continue in its new state of motion due to its inertia.

Why is weight not an inherent property of an object?

Weight is not an inherent property of an object because it depends on the gravitational force acting on the object. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity pulling on an object, and can vary based on the location of the object in relation to a massive body like the Earth. An object's mass, on the other hand, represents the amount of matter it contains and is an inherent property.

What property of matter gives rise to the force of gravity?

Mass of an object influences the force of gravity on it.

Can you force a remainderman to relinquish his share?

No, you cannot force a person to relinquish his share in the property.

If an object falls of a shelf how do you know a force as acted on it?

You know a force has acted on the object because the objects velocity has changed as the result of a force, f= mdv/dt.

Is it true mass is a mesure of force that an object has?

No, mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is a fundamental property. Weight, on the other hand, is a measure of the gravitational force acting on an object.