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Thermal equilibrium is achieved in theory only after an infinite time. In practice, two bodies will become indistinguishable in temperature when the differences fall below the random heat fluctuations in either. But the rate at which a hot body loses heat to a cold one is faster for a bigger difference in temperature. Therefore, in the freezer, the rate of heat transfer will initially be faster. If you found something much colder - like liquid helium, then you could freeze food in an instant. In fact this is the meaning of "snap-frozen". When you snap-freeze delicate food, there is not time for ice-crystals to grow, and this prevents the food from being damaged. They remain crisp when thawed.

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Q: Which rate of heat transfer will be greater. In the fridge or freezer?
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Why is frost bad for a freezer?

The problem is, because it's a good insulator. The way a freezer works, you have a load of pipes at the back, you compress a gas in the pump, that makes it hot and loses the heat out of the back of the fridge or freezer. It then pipes this condensed, compressed room temperature gas into the freezer, it then expands, evaporates, gets cold, and so the coldest bits of the fridge are where this expanded gas is flowing through. The problem is that wants to get the heat from the fridge, but if you've got a great big layer of ice, that's going to insulate the cooling part of the fridge from the contents of your fridge, so the fridge is going to be warmer, which means that the actual fridge-freezer is going to work harder to keep cold, which means it gets even colder, it means you get more ice that will build up so it'll go horribly wrong until the fridge just conks out.

How does vasodiliation increase heat transfer to environment?

It increases the surface area of blood that is exposed to the environment, which means there is a greater heat transfer capacity - meaning heat transfer is increased.

Why do glasses break in the fridge and freezer?

Because the glass gets cold and to form the figure it was in it had to expand with heat therefore putting a glass in an extremely cold enviornment like the freezer the glass particles get compact (really tight) and shatters.

How does a Refigerator or freezer work to keep things cold?

Dense gas is pumped through small holes within a metal tube, by a motorized "compressor." When this gas makes contact with the metal on the inside, it has a cooling effect and the metal absorbs the heat from the air on the outside of the tube. Once the heat has been absorbed, this air is pumped in, or cycled through the fridge and freezer to keep things cold.

By which mode of heat transfer heat is transferred in solids?

the process of transfer of heat energy in solids is known as conduction.. For more info-- the process of transfer of heat energy in liquids and gases is known as convection.. And the process of transfer of heat energy without any material medium is known as radiation..

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Why is white and shiny surface suitable for fridge-freezer?

A white and shiny surface is suitable for a fridge-freezer because it helps to reflect light and heat, which can improve the energy efficiency of the appliance. The white color also helps to keep the exterior surface of the fridge-freezer cool by reflecting sunlight, thus reducing the workload on the cooling system. Additionally, the shiny surface makes it easier to clean and maintain the appearance of the fridge-freezer.

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What is the heat generated by a typical fridge or freezer

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Is the amount of heat taken from the contents of refrigerator greater than it gives out?

Due to the laws of thermodynamics, the heat produced (at the back of a fridge) is invariably greater than the amount of heat taken away (inside the fridge).

Why are white shiny surfaces suitable for a fridge or freezer?

White shiny surfaces are suitable for a fridge or freezer because they are reflective, which helps to retain cool temperatures by reflecting heat away. This can help the appliance maintain a consistent internal temperature and reduce energy consumption. Additionally, white shiny surfaces make it easier to spot dirt or spills and keep the exterior looking clean.

Can you sit a fridge next to a freezer?

Yes, no problem, as long as there is sufficient air flow behind them to dissipate the heat.

Why is frost bad for a freezer?

The problem is, because it's a good insulator. The way a freezer works, you have a load of pipes at the back, you compress a gas in the pump, that makes it hot and loses the heat out of the back of the fridge or freezer. It then pipes this condensed, compressed room temperature gas into the freezer, it then expands, evaporates, gets cold, and so the coldest bits of the fridge are where this expanded gas is flowing through. The problem is that wants to get the heat from the fridge, but if you've got a great big layer of ice, that's going to insulate the cooling part of the fridge from the contents of your fridge, so the fridge is going to be warmer, which means that the actual fridge-freezer is going to work harder to keep cold, which means it gets even colder, it means you get more ice that will build up so it'll go horribly wrong until the fridge just conks out.

How does vasodiliation increase heat transfer to environment?

It increases the surface area of blood that is exposed to the environment, which means there is a greater heat transfer capacity - meaning heat transfer is increased.

How could you keep ice frozen longer?

Ice can be kept frozen longer by keeping it in a freezer. If there is not a freezer, the fridge will help it last. Ice will melt slower if it is kept away from heat.

Which two methods of heat transfer are possible with liquids which of the two has greater effect?

The two methods of heat transfer possible with liquids are conduction and convection. Convection generally has a greater effect on heat transfer in liquids compared to conduction, as it involves the movement of the liquid itself, helping to distribute heat more efficiently.

How is heat transferred when a cup of hot coffee is placed in a freezer?

Heat is transferred from the hot coffee to the colder air inside the freezer through convection, where the warmer molecules move towards the colder molecules. Additionally, heat is also transferred through conduction, as the coffee cup's material conducts heat to the surrounding air.

How is fridge harmful to environment?

To keep the food in the refrigerator cool, there is a thermally-insulated layer to keep the heat out as well as an in-built heat pump (chemical or mechanical) to transfer the heat from within the fridge to it's external environment, increasing the temperature of the surrounding air.