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Q: Which robber baron was born the son of poor immigrants and became oone of the richest people in the world by creating a steel monopoly?
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What robber baron was born the son of poor immigrants and became one of the richest people in the world by creating a steel monopoly?

Andrew Carnegie was the millionaire tycoon who made his riches in the steel industry.

What robber baron was born the son of poor immigrants and became one of the richest people in the world?

Andrew Carnegie

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He was the "Standard Oil Company" monopoly owner during the 1800's. He became one of America's richest man.

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all immigrants working in Hawaii became citizens at the time of state hood

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The society became swamped with an increase in immigrants, creating a competition for jobs. Boston, Massachusetts was the worst and people looked to the community for help.

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Who became one of the richest men in Europe?

Alfred krupp

Became one of the richest men in Europe?

Alfred krupp

Who became one of the richest men Europe?

Alfred krupp

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Immigrants have flocked to Texas ever since it became a state.

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To be the richest man, you have to want to be the richest man. You have to really need it. when you need it the most, it will come to you.