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Rock layers of igneous and some metamorphic rock that contain certain radioactive isotopes are datable by isotopic techniques.

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Q: Which rock layer can you date by radioactive dating using half- life?
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What test do geologists use to discover the age of a fossil?

Geologists often use relative dating. When a fossil is found in a rock layer that has been dated, they know the age. If the fossil is found between two dated rock layers, they have an approximate age. If it's found above a dated layer, than it's younger, and vice versa. To date a layer of rock, radiometric dating is used. This measures the trace amount of a radioactive isotope, such as a uranium isotope or potassium isotope, which is then compared to its decay product, lead or argon, respectively, for these examples. More decay product and less of the original isotope means the layer is older, and vice versa. Index fossils can also be used. These are common fossils with a wide distribution that only existed for a short time. Then, when these are found in a rock layer, it is known that the rock layer formed when that organism existed.

Does radioactive dating allow us to find relative or absolute age?

Absolute dating of rock is achieved by radiometric dating techniques. Relative dating is achieved by determining the position of rock in strata, and the appearance of certain index fossils. Relative dating was a precursor to absolute dating. Before absolute dating techniques were discovered, the age of a rock was a guesstimate at best. Radioactive dating allows us to find an approximate date. So if something is dated about a thousand years ago plus or minus a hundred years the object may be from sometime between 1,000 and 1,200 A.D.

Who was the scientist that suggested using radioactive decay to age-date the earth?

Ernest Rutherford, however it was Arthur Holmes who did the majority of the in depth work in this field.

How are sedimentary layers used to date fossils?

Stratigraphic layers can be used to determine the age of a fossil in a simple manner. The layers towards the top of an outcrop are younger (Law of Superposition and Law of Original Horizontality) and the layers near the bottom are older. If a fossil is found in a lower layer then that fossil is older than any fossils found in the higher up layers.

Method using properties of atoms in rocks and other objects to determine their ages?

One method is radiometric dating, which measures the decay of radioactive isotopes in rocks to determine their age. By comparing the ratio of parent isotopes to daughter isotopes, scientists can calculate how long it has been since the rock formed. This technique is used in various fields like geology and archaeology to date rocks, fossils, and other objects.

Related questions

How are stratigraphic and radioactive dating different in regards to how they date fossils?

Radioactive dating refers to the process of measuring the age of an object using the amount of a given radioactive material it contains. Relative dating, meanwhile, measures the order of past events, without determining their absolute age.

What is the name for Rocks formed when sediments are compacted and cemented together?

They are called sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rock can't be dated using radioactive dating because it is composed of sediment, which is actually small pieces of different rocks. To date it, you have to use radioactive dating on the surrounding rocks.

Why should you mine?

Uranium is very useful for radioactive dating. It can date extremely old substances, and can date very accurately.

What are two ways to date fossils?

Two ways to date fossils are relative dating, which involves determining the age of a fossil in relation to other fossils or geological layers, and absolute dating, which provides a numerical age for a fossil using techniques like radiometric dating.

Why should you mine uranium?

Uranium is very useful for radioactive dating. It can date extremely old substances, and can date very accurately.

What test do geologists use to discover the age of a fossil?

Geologists often use relative dating. When a fossil is found in a rock layer that has been dated, they know the age. If the fossil is found between two dated rock layers, they have an approximate age. If it's found above a dated layer, than it's younger, and vice versa. To date a layer of rock, radiometric dating is used. This measures the trace amount of a radioactive isotope, such as a uranium isotope or potassium isotope, which is then compared to its decay product, lead or argon, respectively, for these examples. More decay product and less of the original isotope means the layer is older, and vice versa. Index fossils can also be used. These are common fossils with a wide distribution that only existed for a short time. Then, when these are found in a rock layer, it is known that the rock layer formed when that organism existed.

The scientist who suggested using radioactive decay to age-date the Earth was?

Ernest Rutherford suggested using radioactive decay to age-date the Earth.

What is radiometeric dating?

Radiometeric dating is a technique to date geological materials like rocks etc by determining the relative proportions of particular radioactive isotopes present in a sample.

What are two ways geologists determine the age of fossils?

The two methods are "RELATIVE DATING" and "ABSOLUTE DATING". :)

What is the simplest dating method used by paleontologists?

Relative Dating, its where the paleontologists date the fossils according to the layer of soil that the fossil was found compared to other fossils that were carbon dated that were in the same soil layer.

How could you determine the exact age of landfill layers?

You could determine the age of a landfill layer by carbon dating food that was found in the layer. Or checking the date on the newspapers in that layer.

What kind of dating do you do in the lab?

For example, radioactive dating.Also, two people who work in a lab (typically a man and a woman) could have a date.