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The Greek root graph- is usually taken to mean "write" though in fact it really means "make scratch marks." Likewise, the distantly related Latin root scrip- means "to engrave with a sharp instrument, or to draw lines" and hence "to write."

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possibly something like scrivus, or scribus, since we have the English word scribe, a person who writes things for a superior, and the Italian infinitive of "to write" is "SCRIVere" while the spanish is "eSCRIBir"

something like that

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12y ago

The Greek root "graph" means to write or draw.

photograph= (photos is Greek for "light") and (graph is Greek for write or draw) so the Greek word photograph means "drawn by light".

autograph- (autos means "self") and (graph means "to write or draw") so autograph means... "to write ones own name".


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The root "script" means write. We see it in these words: scripture, inscription, prescription, subscription, subscript, superscript.

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