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The satellite which was launched recently by nasa is terra.

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NASA recently launched the Landsat 9 satellite, a collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey. This satellite will continue the mission of monitoring changes to the Earth's land and coastal regions.

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Q: Which satellite was launched recently by NASA?
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When was NASA satellite terra launched?

December 18,1999.

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The name of the first NASA satellite was Explorer 1, launched on January 31, 1958. It was the United States' first successful satellite and was instrumental in the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts.

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NASA launched its first satellite, Explorer 1, on January 31, 1958.

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It named Terra.

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The first weather satellite was TIROS-1, launched by NASA in 1960. The development of this satellite was led by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in collaboration with the U.S. Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service).

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NASA successfully launched its first satellite, Explorer 1, on 31 January 1958. NASA launched the first American into space, Alan Shepard, on 5 May 1961.