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Q: Which scale type is the only one to use fractions of an inch?
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What scale type only uses fractions of a inch?


What type of fractions can you compare by looking at the numerator?

Only Fractions with a Common Denominator can be directly compared.

If 1 inch equals 1 meter what type of map scale is that?

I may be completely off base here, but since 1 meter = 39.3700787 inches (Google) and the scale is 1 inch to 1 meter, I beleive that makes it 1:39 scale. Basically, one inch on the map scale equals 39 inches in the real world.

What type of map has a ratio of 1 inch map distance equals 600000 inches ground distance and smaller?

small scale

Is map scale and graphic scale same?

A graphic scale is one type of map scale, which tells you how distance on the map compares to the actual distance across the land. Graphic scales show the scale as a line or a bar with the distance markings on them. Other types of map scales include numeric (such as 1:24,000 means one inch on the map represents 24,000 inches on land), or verbal (1 inch=1 mile).

What type of math is fractions?

It is division.

What type of scale does a Richter scale use?

a logarithmic scale

What is the difference a multiple scale and a complex scale?

complex scale meters are meters that can be used for more than one function such as Amps, Resistance, or Voltage. Whereas multiple scale meters measure only one type of function.

How do you type in fractions on the ti 85?

You can't really type fractions, but you can use the divide function to create the fraction line, and imitate it in a way.

What is 'thermometric scale'?

A thermometric scale is a type of scale that measures degrees.

What is the difference between multiple scale and a complex scale?

complex scale meters are meters that can be used for more than one function such as Amps, Resistance, or Voltage. Whereas multiple scale meters measure only one type of function.

What is the difference between a multiple scale and complex scale?

complex scale meters are meters that can be used for more than one function such as Amps, Resistance, or Voltage. Whereas multiple scale meters measure only one type of function.