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A scanner.

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Brady Stephenson

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2y ago

Image Scanner

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Q: Which scanner converts graphics into electronic form?
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What is a type of scanner converts graphics into an electronic form?

An Image scanner

A scanner is an input device that converts printed material to a form the computer can use?

A scanner takes an input which is printed materials (pictures, text) and converts it to an electronic format that can be edited.

What in the world are scanners and printers?

an image scanner(scanner) is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and converts it to a digital image. A printer is a peripheral which produces a text and/or graphics of documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies.

What computer hardware is used to input text and graphics to a computer?

For text, it's the keyboard. For graphics, It can be a scanner. Sometimes you could also use a wacom tablet for drawing, if that's what you mean by graphics. And then there is the touch screen. (in certain computers)

What is function of a scanner?

A scanner converts photos, documents, etc. to digital form for copying, transmitting or storing.

A converts printed material into a form the computer can process.?


What is the use of a scanner and computers?

A scanner is a device that reads documents etc, and converts them into electronic form for use by the computer. Think of it like a small version of a photocopier - they work in very similar ways.

A device that records images of text or converts printed text into machine-readable form is called a?


What type of scanner converts onto an electrical form?

A flatbed scanner converts physical documents or images into digital form. It uses a CIS (contact image sensor) or CCD (charge-coupled device) technology to capture the document or image and convert it into an electrical signal that can be processed by a computer.

an input device that reads printed text and graphics and transfers them to a computer in digital form(change hard copy to soft copy)?


What does image scanner do?

The bar code reader is special type of image scanner. Image scanners convert any printed image into electronic form by shining light onto the image and sensing the intensity of the light’s reflection at every point.

What is meaning of scaner?

A scanner is a device that takes a picture or image of a physical document or object and converts it into a digital format that can be stored or manipulated on a computer. Scanners are commonly used to create digital copies of paper documents or photographs for easy storage or sharing.