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Q: Which sentence contains a linking verb The hockey players have been anxious about the match. Coach Tony has broken his hockey stick on the ice. The children are playing hockey on the frozen pond. Elle?
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What is the linking verb in where are the children?

In the sentence, there is no linking verb. The easy way to recognize a linking verb is that a linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a different form of the subject (Mary is my sister. Mary=sister); or the subject becomes the object (My feet got wet. feet->wet). In the sentence, 'Where are the children?' (the children are where), the place where the children are is not another form of the subject children.

Does a sentence containing a linking verb also has a subject complement?

Yes, a sentence with a linking verb will often have a subject complement. The subject complement renames or describes the subject and is connected to it by the linking verb.

What is linking sentence?

A linking sentence is a sentence to finish off a paragraph as well as starting the other paragraph.

What is the linking verb in this sentence Thomas Jefferson is your favorite president?

"Is" is the linking verb in this sentence. All this means is that "is" is the verb and the type of verb is a linking verb.

What is the linking verb for the sentence The plot of that fantasy novel seems awfully childish to me now?

The linking verb in that sentence is "seems".

He became a senator but then he decided to resign. What is the linking verb in the sentence then became decided resign?

The linking verb in the sentence is "became."

Is a little brown dog was on your doorstep a linking sentence?

no because was is not a linking verb

The sentence in which the verb is a linking verb?

The sentence in which the verb is a linking verb uses the verb to connect the subject of the verb to more information about the subject. The linking verb will not express an action.

How do you make a linking sentence?

A linking sentence connects two ideas or paragraphs by showing how they relate to each other. It should summarize the previous information and introduce the upcoming topic to create a smooth transition. To create a linking sentence, you can use transitional words or phrases such as "however," "similarly," or "in addition."

What is a sentence with the word linking?

The linking of various ideas in the essay helped create a cohesive argument.

States what the subject does is or has in a sentence?

That part of the sentence is officially known as the predicate.

When do you capitalize a linking verb in a sentence?

A linking verb is capitalized only when it is the first word in a sentence. An interrogative sentence is the only instance when a linking verb starts a sentence.Examples:Is Jack your brother? (Jack is brother)Was the movie good? (movie was good)