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Q: Which sentence contains a predicate noun?
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What are the two parts of a sentence give the definition of its parts?

The two parts of a complete sentence are the subject and predicate. The subject contains a noun, the predicate a verb. "My dog died." Subject = My dog Predicate = died

What is the difference between a predicate noun and a predicate nominatvie?

A predicate noun and predicate nominative are the same thing. They both refer to a noun or pronoun that comes after a linking verb in a sentence and renames or identifies the subject of the sentence.

What is the predicate noun in the sentence The fable teaches the importance of hard work?

There is not a predicate noun in this sentence. The definition of a predicate noun is that it defines or restates the subject AND it has to follow a linking verb. example:Mrs.Smith is a nurse. the predicate noun would be nurse

States what the subject does is or has in a sentence-?

The predicate states what the subject does, is doing, or has done in a sentence.

What is the predicate noun in the sentence The tree by the lake is an oak?

The predicate noun is oak.A predicate is the verb and all the related words that follow it (or, all the words that are not the subject of the verb). A sentence can have more than one verb and more than one complete predicate.

What are the part main parts of a simple sentence?

A simple sentence is made up of a subject (usually a noun) and a predicate (usually a verb).

What is a prediate noun?

The predicate of a sentence is everything that is not the subject of the sentence, including the verb. A predicate noun is a noun that is part of the sentence that comes after the verb for the direct object, indirect object, and noun clauses.

Is the word writer a predicate noun or predicate adjective?

A predicate noun (predicate nominative) is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject. A predicate nominative is a function in a sentence, not a specific noun; any noun can be a predicate nominative. The word 'writer' is a noun.

Writing in complete sentence?

A complete sentence is comprised of a subject and a predicate. The subject is a noun or noun phrase, and the predicate essentially tells what the subject does.

What is the predicate noun or adjective in the sentence dancing is one of the oldest forms of communication?

Predicate: "is" Adjective: "oldest" Noun: "dancing"

Differentiate predicate nominative and predicate adj?

A predicate noun is a noun or pronoun that renames the subject of the sentence (often a person, place, or thing). A predicate adjective is an adjective that describes the subject.

What does a sentence consist of?

a noun and a verb (subject and predicate)