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. Doctors go to school for at least 16 years before they start a practice.

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Q: Which sentence is free from gender bias?
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What is the correct pronoun below to avoid bias in the following sentence Any student who wishes to go on the field trip must bring his permission slip?

The sentence can avoid gender bias by changing the pronoun 'his' to the article 'a'.Any student who wishes to go on the field trip must bring a permission slip.Replacing the pronoun 'his' with another gender neutral pronoun is not necessary.

How would you change the following sentence to avoid gender bias Every student must bring his permission slips if he wants to participate?

This is a gender biased sentence in English. You can change it to, Each student must bring their permission slip if they want to participate.

Is putting his or her in a sentence gender bias?

depends on the person... for some who are over reacting maybe. but for me and most other people it's no issue people just tend to assume if you use he your a him if you use her your a girl

What words would you use to avoid bias resulting from masculine pronouns?

There are several ways you could approach it:Use plural pronouns.Rewrite the sentence to eliminate pronouns.Use common gender nouns such as customer, neighbor, driver, etc.

Which is the best way to write the sentence to remove the gender bias?

To remove gender bias, use gender-neutral language such as "they" or "their" instead of "he" or "she." For example, instead of saying, "Each student should bring his own pencil," you could say, "Each student should bring their own pencil."

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Identify all pronoun problems (agreement/gender bias) in the following sentence?

The pronoun shows gender bias -Apex

Which term is free from gender bias?


What sentence most likely contains an example of cultural or gender bias?

Gender bias is when one is slanted toward a particular gender because they identify with it. Cultural bias is the same concept applied to cultures - one has a preferred culture because they identify as a member of that culture.

How would you change the following sentence to avoid gender bias Every businessman brought his wife to the company gala?

Gender bias is the unequal treatment or stereotyping of the differing sexes in the workplace. To remove any hint of gender bias, one should remove non gender neutral pronouns. This changes the above sentence to "Every businessperson brought their spouse to the company gala."

What terms shows gender bias?

Businessman is biased. Professional or executive is bias free.Foreman is biased. Supervisor is bias free.Girl Friday is biased. Clerk is bias free.Newsman is biased. Journalist is bias free.Stewardess is biased. Flight attendant is bias free.

An example of cultural or gender bias?

Gender bias is when a man earns more money than a woman doing the same job.

How would you change the following sentence to avoid gender bias Every student must bring his permission slips if he wants to participate?

This is a gender biased sentence in English. You can change it to, Each student must bring their permission slip if they want to participate.

What are examples of gender bias?

Job, religion

Gender bias in language is a form of?


What is the correct pronoun below to avoid bias in the following sentence Any student who wishes to go on the field trip must bring his permission slip?

The sentence can avoid gender bias by changing the pronoun 'his' to the article 'a'.Any student who wishes to go on the field trip must bring a permission slip.Replacing the pronoun 'his' with another gender neutral pronoun is not necessary.

How is cultural bias different from gender bias?

Cultural bias is directed against other cultures, races, religions, or ethnicities

Is least likely to contain an example of gender or cultural bias?

Gender bias occurs when one is slanted toward a particular gender because they identify with it. Cultural bias is the same concept applied to cultures - one has a preferred culture because they identify as a member of that culture.