

Best Answer

soccer is by far the most watched sport of the three world wide.

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Q: Which sport field is the biggest out of soccer rugby or football?
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What three sport have the biggest following in UK?

football (soccer) has the biggest folowing followed probably by rugby and cricket

Ten biggest sports?

soccer football baseball basketball fooseball hockey air hockey dogeball kickball feild hockey this an actual list from forbes soccer, cricket, baseball, basketball, tennis, rugby union, ice hockey field hockey, American football, and rugby league

Did football originate from rugby?

Rugby originated from soccer (football)

American Football is a combination of what two sports?

American football evolved out of rugby. It wasn't a combination of two games. -actually football was combined from soccer AND rugby.

How did American football grow?

It is said that football evolved from rugby and rugby evolved from soccer

How was football made?

By rugby and soccer

Did rugby come before soccer?

No, rugby was invented during a game of soccer or as i say it football.

Why is a soccer field bigger than a rugby field?

It isn't. People think it is because when the people show the football pitch, it looks bigger. When it's the rugby pitch they show it at the side so it looks smaller than a football pitch. From :)

What are the different kinds of football?

Association football (Soccer), Five-a-side soccer, Gaelic football, Rugby League, Wheelchair rugby,Freestyle football, Rugby Union, American football, Canadian, Australian football, Subbuteo, Table football and quite a few more.

What sport does England excel in?


Why is a football field a 100 yards long?

There are 100 yards in a football field because football is based off of Rugby and a rugby field has 100 yards.

The roots of American Football come from soccer and what other sport?

Soccer --> Rugby --> American Football