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Q: Which stage of succession would most likely experience the least variation in daily temperature?
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What type of succession is most likely to happen after a Forrest being burned?

Secoundary Succession

When Temperatures in this climate region stay about the same all year long .?

This climate region is likely an equatorial or tropical region where temperatures remain warm and stable throughout the year due to the proximity to the equator, which receives consistent sunlight. These areas experience minimal temperature variation between seasons.

Where are you most likely to find primary succession?

Pioneer plants are usually present in an area where primary succession begins.

What evolutionary force is most likely to decrease variation between two populations?

evolutionary forces is most likely to decrease variation between populations

Which is a likely place for primary succession?

A grassy hillside. : NovaNet

What event is likely to trigger succession?

destructive hurricanedestructive hurricane

Primary succession would most likely occur after?

a lava flow

Is a abandoned logging area likely for secondary succession?

it depends on what you mean by secondary succession. you mean taking it over? to replant or to cut again?

How do you tell if a place is continental or maritime using the temperature range?

A continental climate typically has a larger temperature range between summer and winter, while a maritime climate tends to have a smaller temperature range due to the moderating effects of the ocean. If a place experiences large temperature variations throughout the year, it is likely continental, whereas if the temperature remains more stable, it is likely maritime.

Where is primary succession likely to occur?

on a new rock created by a volcanic eruption

Which activity is most likely to trigger secondary succession?

A natural disturbance includes a lava flow, earthquake, or a forest fire. But human forces can also be disturbances, such as farms.

What stresses would most likely cause an ecosystem to respond by succession?

Air Pollution Control