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Q: Which stylistic period was chromaticism used the most?
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Why does the wall street journal have a period after its name?

The period in "Wall Street Journal" is a stylistic choice by the publication. It may be used to emphasize each word as a distinct entity or to follow grammatical conventions for abbreviations.

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What stylistic elements is used by the writer in these lines?

There are a number of stylistic elements that you can use as a writer including rhyme, ellipsis, alliteration, repetition, and much more.

What are the stylistic devices used in things fall apart?

Metaphors, similes, foreshadowing, hyperbole, imagery, sensory detail are used in Things Fall Apart. Most of the proverbs are forms of metaphor.

Stylistic devices used in the river between?

Foreshadowing flashback monologue dialogue

What was the African period with Picasso?

Well, I can't be exactly sure. I've never heard that terminology before, but best I can figure is that that is a reference to his African influenced period. This took place between 1907-1909 and helped develop many of the stylistic ideas used during his Cubism period.Answer 2:There is no such thing as Picasso's black period.

What is the most commonly used punctuation mark?

Ellipses are space, period, space, period, space, period, space . . .

What stylistic element is used poets repeat verses or phrases at the end of each stanza in poetry?

A chorus would be the answer.

When did the period begin and end?

410 to 1492 ----- The most commonly used dates are 476 to 1453.

What are the stylistic devices used in meja mwangi's kill me quick?

Some of the stylistic devices used in Meja Mwangi's "Kill Me Quick" include imagery to vividly describe settings and characters, dialogue to convey character personalities and advance the plot, and symbolism to represent deeper themes and ideas. Mwangi's use of colloquial language and local dialects also adds authenticity and cultural richness to the narrative.

What does era period means?

Era period is an extremely redundant phase most likely used by someone who does not know the meaning of either word and may not speak English. An era is a geologic time period elapsing several million years. A period in the sense used in your phrase is a duration of time.