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Sorry for the spelling. My English with chemestry is bad)

Acids. For example: HCl (Cloridryc acid) reacts with Zi (Zinc):

2 HCl + 2 Zi = H2(g) + ZiCl

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Acids, such as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid, can react with metals to produce hydrogen gas. Water can also produce hydrogen gas when it reacts with certain reactive metals, such as sodium or potassium.

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Actually there are several possible answers to that question. Sodium and water produce a gas (hydrogen). Potassium cyanide and hydrochloric acid produce a gas (cyanogen). Etc.

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Do not try this! 2Na +2HCl --> 2NaCl + H2 The last 2 should be a subscript.

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