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our blood carries nutrient to our muscles

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Q: Which system carries nutrients to your muscles?
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How does circulatory system help to the body?

carries oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.

Two ways circulatory system contribute to muscle movement?

The circulatory system carries nutrients and oxygen to the muscles that need them. It also carries waste dispelled by muscles away from them.

What carries nutrients to the body's cells?

Blood carries nutrients to the body's cells.

What part of the circulatory system which carries nutrients?

The organs

What organ system delivers oxygen and nutrients to muscles and organs around the body?

Respiratory and circulatory system working together.

What system makes nutrients available to all cells?

The circulatory system pumps the blood which carries the nutrients that the cells needs. The circulatory system gets the nutrients from the digestive system.

How do blood circulation helped people in their daily lives?

Blood carries nutrients to muscles where they are converted to energy to enable people to live. Also, blood carries away toxins produced by muscles for excretion.

Which human organ system carries nutrients to the cells?

The blood carries nutrients from the small intestine to all over the body. The villi in the small intestine allow nutrients to pass through the intestinal wall to the blood vessels. Then the blood carries the nutrients away.

Does the circulatory system carry nutrients to the cells?

No, lymph doesn't do that. Blood (specifically red blood cells), a part of the cardiovascular system, carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

How is the muscular system and respitory system connected?

The muscles that cause the lungs to expand and contract and those in the windpipe are part of the muscular system. The circulatory system carries Oxygen from the lungs to the muscles, then carries carbon dioxide from the muscles to be expelled by the lungs. The blood vessels throughout the body have integrated muscle.

Which system provides the muscle with oxygen and nutrients?

The Circulatory System. Blood carries these throughout the body.

What is the relationship of the circulatory system to those digestive system respiratory system and the urinary system?

The muscular system uses the bones for their action. Without bones muscles would be useless at distance. Bones act like lever arms to increase the force produced by muscles. The digestive system gives nutrients to the muscles.