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Gilbert Fraser

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1w ago

The term that describes how loud a sound is is its "intensity" or "volume." Intensity is the amount of energy that a sound wave carries per unit of area, while volume is a subjective perception of the intensity of a sound. Both terms are commonly used to describe the loudness of a sound.

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7y ago

Volume, intensity, dynamics are three possibilities.

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2y ago

DYNAMICS. Sometimes this is called the volume. Music often changes volume gradually, and goes from loud to soft or soft to loud. DURATION means the length of each sound

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11y ago

the decibel

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7y ago

Its volume.

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Q: Which term describe how loud a sound is?
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What term describes how loud a sound is?

The term that describes how loud a sound is is "volume." Volume is the measure of the intensity or amplitude of a sound, typically measured in decibels.

How do you describe the sound of a printer?

loud, constant, annoying

Is loud a Onomatopoeia?

Yes, "loud" is not an onomatopoeia because it does not imitate the sound it represents. Onomatopoeias are words that mimic the sound they describe, such as "buzz" or "meow."

How would you describe the sound a seagull makes?

loud and very noisey that they sound like they are screaming.

What is an adjective for a sound that can be used to describe a person too?

quiet loud

What are Words to describe sound?

dark, bright, brilliant, broad, loud, quiet loads!!!

Which word is closet in meaning to stentorian?

The word "boisterous" is closest in meaning to stentorian, as both describe a loud and powerful sound or voice.

Is loudest an adjective?

Yes, "loudest" is the superlative form of the adjective "loud." It is used to describe something that emits the most sound or noise.

What phobia is the fear of chainsaws?

There does not appear to be a scientific term to describe the fear of chainsaws. Perhaps the fear stems from the loud noise a chainsaw makes while in operation, or a fear of injury while using one.Traumatophobia is the fear of injury.Ligyrophobia is the fear of loud noises.Zinulation is the sound a chainsaw makes, so Zinzuphobia would be the most logical answer.

What is the sound of loud?

Sound is mechanical energy. As such, it presents as a force on us, particularly our ears. When we think of "loud" as it relates to sound, it is a relative term. A sneeze is loud compared to a pin dropping on a hardwood floor. A hammer striking a nail is not as loud as a big firecracker exploding. The term loudness could be applied to the measure of the amount of sound, and we often use the bel (commonly, the decibel) to measure sound. The decibel is actually a comparison of a sound level to another or to a standard. No better proof of the relative nature of the word "loud" can probably be found than that.

Which describe what volume is?

Volume is to do with sound and how loud or quiet it is, that is what volume is!

What is the equation for the for the loud squeaky pop?

The equation for the loud squeaky pop can be described as a high-frequency sound wave with a sudden increase in amplitude, resulting in a sharp and piercing noise. This sound can be represented using equations that describe the vibration frequency and intensity of the sound wave.