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You may be thinking about the term nucleation or coalescence. Creation of liquid droplets around aerosol particles is called nucleation. The aerosol particles themselves are known as seeds, while the water that form around them are known as droplets. When referring specifically to cloud formation in the atmosphere, the nucleation process is known as coalescence and the seeds can be called cloud condensation nuclei.

These seeds can be natural, as in smaller water/ice particles or synthetic chemicals used for cloud seeding, including silver iodide and dry ice.

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Laurie Hammes

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Q: Which term describes the droplets of water that condense on Aerosoles in the sky?
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This process is called dew formation. Dew forms when objects cool down, causing moisture in the air to condense and form water droplets on their surface.

Which term describes the droplests of water that condense on aerosols in the sky?

The term for droplets of water that condense on aerosols in the sky is called "cloud condensation nuclei." These particles serve as the nuclei around which water vapor in the atmosphere condenses to form clouds.

What describes the droplets of water that condense on aerosols in the sky?

Those droplets of water are known as cloud droplets. They form when water vapor in the air condenses onto tiny particles or aerosols, such as dust or pollution particles, suspended in the atmosphere. This condensation process is the first step in cloud formation.

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Clouds form in the sky when water vapor condenses into water droplets. This process occurs when warm, moist air rises, cools, and reaches its dew point, causing the water vapor to condense and form visible clouds.

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Today's weather forecast indicates that the temperature is likely to drop to the dew point, causing water vapor in the air to condense into liquid droplets. These droplets will then settle on the ground in the form of dew.

Condensation occurs when?

Condensation occurs in cold when water vapour condense to form tiny droplets of water.

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Condensation comes before precipitation. Water vapors condense to water droplets.

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Water vapor droplets can become cloud droplets when the what reaches? dew point is the correct answer