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Q: Which term describes the way a mineral breaks along certain lines of weakness?
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What property of minerals splits the mineral into pieces with uneven surfaces?

It is a type of igneous or sedimentary rock.

What is the property that describes the way minerals split?

That property is called cleavage or fracture, depending on how the mineral breaks.

How are fracture and cleavage and cleavage different?

Cleavage- in geolohy, the tendency of a mineral to splitalong specific planes of weakness to format smooth flatSurface.Fracture- the manner in which a mineral breaks alongeither curved or irregular

Having a weakness along a specific plane will allow a mineral to?


A mineral that breaks into jagged pieces exhibits this property?

A mineral that breaks into jagged pieces exhibits fracture.

What property describes how a mineral breaks?

The property is referred to as cleavage or fracture, the tendency, or lack of tendency, of a mineral to break along planes of weakness. Some minerals have multiple planes of cleavage. Some have none, and are said to exhibit fracture.Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along flat surfaces. The way in which a mineral breaks depends on how its atoms are bonded, or joined together. In a mineral that displays cleavage, the bonds of the crystal structure are weaker in the directions in which the mineral breaks.fracture is the tendency of a mineral to break into irregular pieces. Some minerals such as quartz break into pieces with curved surfaces. Other minerals may break differently-perhaps into splinters or into rough or jagged pieces. In a mineral that displays fracture, the bonds that join the atoms are fairly equal in strength in all directions. The mineral does not break along flat surfaces because there are no particular directions ofweakness in its crystal structure.

What is the difference between crystal habit and cleavage?

i think crystal habit is the minerals structure, while cleavage is the patter it breaks into.

When a mineral breaks along a weekly bonds plane it is called?


What are three special properties of minerals?

Hardness: The ability of a mineral to resist scratching or abrasion. Cleavage: The way a mineral breaks along planes of weakness. Luster: The way light is reflected off the surface of a mineral.

Its a mineral that contains Calcium carbonate and breaks into rhombs?

The mineral calcite.

The way a mineral breaks is a clue to its identity fracture is?

The way a mineral breaks is a better clue to its identity than are its color and luster.

What is the tendency of a mineral to break along planes of weakness producing smooth parallel breaks known as?

Cleavage is the tendency of a minerals to break along flat surfaces. It means that the make up of the mineral is uneven, dense on one side and not dense in the other, causing the mineral to break along flat surfaces. The tendency of a mineral to break irregurlary is fracture.