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Q: Which term includes sessile and pedunculated types of growths?
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Sessile and pedunculated types of growths?


What does the burr puffer eat?

it is likely to eat many types of sessile invertebrates. Source:

What is Tricophobia?

Trichophobia is a fear of certain types of hair growths or diseases. As a generalisation, it's fear of hair.

What phylum does pink sea whips come from?

Pink sea whips belong to the phylum Cnidaria, which includes various marine animals such as corals, jellyfish, and sea anemones. Within Cnidaria, pink sea whips specifically belong to the class Anthozoa, which includes many types of sessile (non-moving) marine animals.

What kind of noun is horn?

The noun 'horn' is a common, concrete, singular noun as a word for:the hard bony growths on the head of many types of animals;something resembling or made from these growths;a type of brass musical instrument;a device that sounds a warning.The noun 'horn' is a common, concrete, uncountable (mass) noun as word for the substance that forms the bony growths on the head of animals.The word 'horn' is also a verb: horn, horns, horning, horned.

Is horns a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'horn' is a common noun, a general word for the hard bony growths on the head of many types of animals; a general word for the substance that forms these growths; a general word for something resembling or made from these growths; a general word for a type of brass musical instrument; a general word for a device that sounds a warning; a word for any horn of any kind.The word 'horn' is also a verb: horn, horns, horning, horned.

Do sponges have shells?

No. Sponges only have a few different types of cells and are among the most divergent animal species. They are sessile and were formerly thought to be plants.

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What is condylomas?

Condyloma acuminatum is a benign epithelia proliferation caused by human papiloma virus(HPV),especially types 6 and 11.Condyloma acuminatum may involve mucocutaneous genital surfaces of either sex:sexual contact is the more likely mode is most common after puberty:its presencein prepubertal child should arouse suspicion of sexual abuse.Gross morpholgy is that of sessile or pedunculated papillae excrescence ,often involving the coronal sulcus or inner surface of the prepuce.Histologic characteristics include branching stromal papillae covered by hyperplastic stratified squamous epithelium, often associated with prominent hyperkeratosis.vacuolation of superficial epethelial cells is common . maturation of epethelia cells is orderly,in contact to carcinoma in situ.Most lesion remain benign:they may recur owing to persistence of HPV infection.posted by (Dr. rashid mehmood)