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3y ago
The correct answer is Refraction APEX.
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1w ago

The term for an area of high density in a longitudinal wave is a compression. This is where the particles are close together and there is an increase in pressure.

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Q: Which terms describes an area of high density in a longitudinal wave?
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What term best describes an area of low density in a longitudinal wave?

Rarefaction. It refers to the region where the particles are spread apart, leading to a decrease in density in a longitudinal wave.

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In terms of population in 2014 Hawaii had a population count of 1,360,301 people. In 2014, Alaska had a population count of 710,231 people.

What term describes the number of individuals of a species per unit area?

It is called population density.

What is density when talking about mediums?

Density is the amount of (something) per unit (volume or area or length depending on the scenario). Mass density is the amount of mass per unit volume/area/length. If by medium you mean the medium through which a wave travels thru, then the density will primarily affect the velocity of the wave. Generally, sound/longitudinal waves have a velocity proportional to the density of the medium.

What are the parts to a longitudinal wave?

A longitudinal wave consists of compressions and rarefactions. In a compression, particles are close together, while rarefactions have particles spread out. This wave type propagates in the same direction as the energy transfer.

What term best describes the number of individuals of a given species per unit area?

Population density.

The term population density describe the relationship between?

Population density describes the relationship between the number of individuals in a specific area and the size of that area. It is calculated by dividing the total population by the total land area. A higher population density indicates a larger number of people living in a given area.

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High pressure areas are typically associated with clear skies and stable weather conditions. In terms of temperature, high pressure systems often bring cooler temperatures due to the sinking air creating adiabatic warming and less cloud cover allowing for more radiational cooling at night. During the day, temperatures can be mild or warm depending on the season.

The area of longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are spread out?

The rarefaction is the area of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are spread out. This region is where the particles are farther apart compared to the rest of the wave.

What are the 3 properties of distribution in geography?

The three properties of distribution in geography are density, concentration, and pattern. Density refers to the number of a particular phenomenon within a given area. Concentration describes how closely packed or dispersed a phenomenon is in a given area. Pattern refers to the spatial arrangement of the distribution.

What is Hawaii Rank of nation?

It is #50 in terms of Statehood. It is #43 in terms of Area. It is #42 in terms of Population. It is #13 in terms of Population density. It ranks itself #1 in terms of raw beauty.