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Between 1599 and 1608, the Globe Theatre in London was the only theatre at which Shakespeare's plays were performed. But between 1608 and 1613 they were performed just as often at the Blackfriars Theatre, and from 1592 or so to 1599 they were performed mostly at The Theatre and The Curtain, and never at the Globe, which had not yet been built. And of course throughout that time the plays were just as often performed in places other than at the theatre (the court, private houses, privately rented halls, etc.)

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There was a long period when Shakespeare's plays could only be performed in one of two theatres in London: Drury Lane and Covent Garden. Over the course of history those two theatres have seen more Shakespeare than any other, even the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford, which has been going for eighty years, or the Delacorte Theatre in New York which has been around for fifty. These and many other theatres around the world have been dedicated to the performance of Shakespeare's plays.

But if you want to restrict yourself to Shakespeare's lifetime, theatres which featured performances of his plays during his lifetime were the Theatre (2 years 1595-6), the Curtain (3 years 1596-9), the first Globe (14 years 1599-1613), the second Globe (2 years 1614-16), and the Blackfriars (8 years 1608-1616).

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