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A bimetallic strip is made out of copper and steel.

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Q: Which two metals are used in bimetallic strip?
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What is a bimetallic strip and where can it be used?

A bimetallic strip is a strip with two metals bonded together. It can be found in thermostats

Which two metals are used in a bimetallic strip?

A bimetallic strip usually consists of steel and copper. In some cases brass is used instead of copper.

Which two metals are used in bimetallic strip in a tube light starter?

Steel and copper

Why the bimetallic strip bent with the heat?

A bimetallic strip is made up of two metals (the prefix "bi-" means "two"). The two metals have different coefficients of thermal expansion.

Why are bimetallic strips used in thermostats?

The two metals chosen for the bimetallic strip have different modulii of thermal expansion, The bimetallic strip bends as the temperature changes and so the strip can be used to activate relays or other electronic switches and so work as a thermostat.

What does bimetallic strip mean?

A strip consisting of two metals that bends with a rise in temperature

What does bimetallic mean?

A strip consisting of two metals that bends with a rise in temperature

A strip of two different metals joined together is called.?

A strip of two different meals joined together is called a bimetallic strip.

What is a bimetallic strip and What is it used for?

it consists of strips madeof two different metals with different coefficient of expansion.use as fire alarm etc...

Can a bimetallic strip be made from two strips of same material?

That would be more of a unimetallic strip. No, you need to use two different metals.

Explain why a bimetallic strip is used in a rotary thermometer instead of a strip with only one kind of metal.?

A bimetallic strip is made from two different metals that expand at a different rates. Two strips of these metals are bonded together, and when the temperature changes, one side expands more than the other, forcing the bimetallic strip to curl (the longer side would be on the outside of the curl). So if one end is clamped, the other moves. This motion is used to turn the dial of the thermometer.

How can a bimetallic strip be used to regulate temperature?

A bimetallic strip is two different metals glued together. When the temperature changes each metal expands (or contracts) but by different amounts, so the strip as a whole ends up bending. This bending property can be used to turn on (or off) a heater switch.