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Q: Which two types of economy are more similar in terms of distribution of wealth?
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What is the unequal distribution of wealth power and privilege between men and women.?

In terms of Sociology, the answer is gender stratification.

Is the unequal distribution of wealth power and privilege between men and women.?

In terms of Sociology, the answer is gender stratification.

Is the unequal distribution of wealth power and privilege between men and women?

In terms of Sociology, the answer is gender stratification.

What is the wealth of Australia?

The wealth of Australia mainly comes from the mineral resources and industries. Sadly, there are so many disparities in terms of wealth distribution.

Is Europe the richest continent?

Yes. Europe is the richest continent in terms of GDP (both PPP and Nominal), GDP per capita (both PPP and Nominal), and wealth distribution.

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As of 2021, the United States is considered the richest country in the world in terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and total wealth. The country's economy is diverse and advanced, contributing to its high levels of wealth and prosperity.

Distribution of terms in logic?

univocal terms equivocal terms analogous terms

What were the ideas of sharing wealth known as?

The idea of sharing wealth is often referred to as socialism, which is a political and economic theory advocating for collective ownership and distribution of resources to achieve social and economic equality. Other terms that may be used to describe the concept include wealth redistribution, social welfare, and economic egalitarianism.

What are the factors to be fulfilled by Bangladesh to be middle income country?

There are factors that need to be fulfilled by Bangladesh to be middle income country. One of the biggest problems to be tackled is inequality on terms of income and wealth distribution.

What is an example of similar terms?

16x + 16x would be an example of similar terms. Both have corresponding variables (x). The coefficient does not have to be the same for it it have similar terms. Terms are based only on the variable. 16x² + 32x² are similar terms. 16x² + 32x³ are not similar terms.

What is an acceptable definition of economy?

An economy (or "the economy") is the realized social system of production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and services of a country or other area. A given economy is the end result of a process that involves its technological evolution, civilization's history and social organization, as well as its geography, natural resource endowment, and ecology, among other factors. These factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions.

What is the meaning of disimilar and similar terms?

DISIMILAR TERMS are terms with different variables while the similar terms has the same variable!