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almost any, but x-ray and gamma ray carriers would be hard to modulate and detect.

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1w ago

Microwaves and infrared radiation are the two types of electromagnetic radiation commonly used for cooking. Microwaves are used in microwave ovens to cook food quickly and efficiently, while infrared radiation is used in grills and broilers to provide intense heat for cooking.

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12y ago
  1. IR
  2. Microwave
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doodle jump

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Q: Which two types of electromagnetic radiation are used for cooking?
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What types of electromagnetic radiation has longer wavelengths than visible light?

Some types of electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than visible light include infrared radiation, microwaves, radio waves, and long-wavelength radio waves. These forms of radiation have wavelengths that are not visible to the human eye but are used in various applications such as remote sensing, communication, and cooking.

What is the electromagnetic specturm?

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all types of electromagnetic radiation, from radio waves to gamma rays. It encompasses different wavelengths of energy, each with unique properties and behaviors. The spectrum is used to classify and describe different types of radiation based on their frequency and energy level.

Are microwaves matter?

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation, not matter. They are characterized by their wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum and are commonly used in cooking and communication technologies.

What are the Four other types of transverse wave that travel at 300000000 ms?

Light waves - electromagnetic waves that can travel through a vacuum at the speed of light. Radio waves - electromagnetic waves used for communication that travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. X-rays - a high-energy form of electromagnetic radiation that can travel at the speed of light. Microwaves - electromagnetic waves commonly used in technology and cooking that can travel at the speed of light.

What forms of energy are in a microwave?

In a microwave, electrical energy is converted to electromagnetic radiation in the form of microwaves, which are a type of radio wave. These microwaves are absorbed by water, fats, and sugars in the food, causing them to vibrate and heat up, cooking the food.

Related questions

What are three types of radiation used in cooking?

Conduction, Convection, Radiation

Give some examples of electromagnetic radiation and how the relate to visible light?

Examples of electromagnetic radiation include radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. Visible light is a specific range of electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can detect, falling between ultraviolet and infrared light on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Is electromagnetic radiation infrared radiation?

No, not in general. It is rather the other way around. Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation, and electromagnetic radiation spans multiple types of radiation, from microwaves, light, infrared, ultraviolet, radio, and more. So electromagnetic radiation could be infrared, but that is just one type of electromagnetic radiation

Which radiation is used in fluorescence spectroscopy?

Ultraviolet Electromagnetic Radiation

What range of electromagnetic radiation is used in NMR?

Nuclei in NMR spectroscopy primarily interact with radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation, typically in the range of 60-900 MHz for protons.

What are ways to transmit data in space?

Basically, some kind of electromagnetic radiation is used: radio waves, light, etc.Basically, some kind of electromagnetic radiation is used: radio waves, light, etc.Basically, some kind of electromagnetic radiation is used: radio waves, light, etc.Basically, some kind of electromagnetic radiation is used: radio waves, light, etc.

What electromagnetic radiation are used for n security pen?

Ultraviolet Radiation.

How are electromagnetic waves used in a flashlight?

In a flashlight, electromagnetic waves are used to generate light. When electricity flows through the circuit, it excites the atoms in the light bulb's filament, causing them to emit light in the form of electromagnetic waves. The waves in the visible spectrum produce the light that we see when we turn on a flashlight.

What type of electromagnetic radiation is used in imaging and radiation oncology?

X-rays are typically used in medical imaging to create images of the body's internal structures, while gamma rays are used in radiation oncology to treat cancer. Both forms of electromagnetic radiation can penetrate the body to visualize internal structures or target and destroy cancerous cells.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum is used in communication?


What are the types of electromagnetic radiation commonly used to identify substances?

You could conceivably used any type of radiation to identify substances however the most commonly used ones are the Ultra-violet as they produce fluorescence in the visible range.

For what purpose are most telescope designed?

Most telescopes are designed for observing distant celestial objects such as stars, planets, galaxies, and nebulae. They are used for tasks like astronomical research, astrophotography, and amateur stargazing.