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last but one, second to last, one before the last, next to last

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Q: Which two words have closest meanings to penultimate?
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What is the definition of words that has two meanings?

Words that have two or more meanings are called auto-antonyms.

What are words with two or more meanings called?

Words with two or more meanings are called homonyms.

Words with two meanings spelled the same way?

One example of a word with two meanings spelled the same way is "bark." It can refer to the outer covering of a tree, or to the sound a dog makes.

Is assuring a synonym or antonym?

Synonyms are two words that have similar meanings. Antonyms are two words that have opposite meanings. "Assuring" can be either an antonym or a synonym, depending what other word you are comparing it to.

What is it when two words sound the same but have different meanings?

a homophone i believe

What are some words that have more than two meanings?

They are called 'Homaphones'!

What is the homonyms of the words plain?

The homonyms of the word "plain" are plane and plane. One refers to a flat surface, while the other is a mode of transportation.

Is intelligent a synonym for pressing?

No it isn't; the two words have entirely different meanings.

What does homonym mean?

Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings. Examples include "bat" (a flying mammal) and "bat" (a piece of sports equipment).

Why are but and put spelt differently?

The words but and put are spelled differently because they are two different words with different meanings.

When two words spelled the same but have different meanings?

It's pretty normal. Almost all words have multiple meanings which use the same spelling. It is rarer to have two words which are spelled the same but have different etymologies, like rape (the crime) and rape (the oil seed).

A word formed from the sounds of two or more words and their meanings is called a what?

a compound word