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Benefit-cost analysis

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Q: Which type of analysis do businesses utilize when making decisions among various projects?
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How is accounting data used to make business decisions?

utilize accounting data as .... basis for making business decisions ... Accounting is used to help corporations make economically useful decisions. ... that support the business functions of accounting, financing, marketing . ... The two that we deal with decisions made regarding accounting practices and . ...

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Explain how scarcity requires indivisual and nations to mak decsions about resources?

Scarcity of resources requires nations and individuals to make informed decisions of how they will utilize the available resources.

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Businesses may utilize asset tracking software when optimizing performance of their productivity. Assets, in general, include both hardware and software.

What are suggested decisions to make when you plan a workbook?

1.) Plan the layout of the worksheet 2.) Determine the necessary formulas and functions needed. 3.) Specify how to best utilize Spark-line charts. 4.) Identify how to format various elements of the worksheet 5.) Specify how charts should convey necessary info. 6.) Perform what-if analysis and goal seeking using the best techniques.

Does chloroplasts utilize oxygen?

No,they do not utilize O2.They utilize CO2.

What is the part of speech for utilize?

Utilize is a verb.

Utilize in a sentence?

We talked about how to best utilize the extra bedroom in our home. How will you utilize the extra space in the basement? How can our school best utilize the grant money?

Time Force is a product of which software system?

Time Force is a time and attendance software. Many different businesses and companies might utilize the Time Force software to help track employee hours.

How would you use utilize in a sentence?

"Utilize your pencil and write down the answer!" Is one way to utilize the word "utilize". Also, using the word "Use" or "Using" is a better word than "Utilize".Utilize means "to make use of", so you could say: "During the SATs, I utilize my time well by double-checking my answers."