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Which type of listening style would be most appropriate for the following scenario?

At the beginning of P.E. class, your teacher explains the rules of the touch football game you will be playing.

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Q: Which type of listening style would be most appropriate for the following scenario?
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The instructions provided and the people to be addressed will determine the appropriate writing style to use.

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There are three different leadership styles and they are referred to as the 3DÕsDirecting, Discussing, and Delegating. Directing style is more learning the listening and following the instruction. The manger tells people what and how to do a job and the employee is expected to do it. Discussing style is done through interactions. The manager presents the plan and with a discussion with the employees there is a plan created and work completed. Lastly there is Delegating, this is leadership through empowerment. The manager lets employees work on their own to complete the assignment.

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By listening to PSY's (the Gangnam Style man) new song called 'Gentalman'.

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APA style is certainly a good choice for most appropriate in technical writing (I am an engineer and that is the style I had to use). It will depend on the requirements of the person or institution that will be the final authority on what style is required for your work.

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Team leadership-style

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Describing a writing style as "pompous" suggests that it is characterized by excessive self-importance or exaggerated formality, which may be off-putting or pretentious. It could be appropriate if the style is excessively grandiose or boastful.

Which style of leadership is generally most appropriate for leading Integrated Product Teams?

Team leadership-style

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Because she is hot and her songs are in the style of what everyone is listening now adays