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felsic magma

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Q: Which type of magma is produced at the Coolest temperature?
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What type of magma is produced by mount Bromo?

The type of magma that is produced by Mount Bromo is felsic. In addition, it has high levels of silica and low levels of mafic magma.

What type of magma is produced in the Kilauea?


What type of magma is produced in Kilauea?


What does the temperature have on the characteristics of magma?

Temperature, among other factors, effects the viscosity(thickness) of magma. However, for the most part, the temperature of magma is relatively consistent because magma is the type of molten rock that has not yet exited the volcano, so there are fewer factors to effect the temperature.

What affects the type of igneous rock that is formed?

Mineral composition of the magma, Rate of cooling of the magma, Temperature of the magma, Presence of volatiles and Amount of water present in the magma.

Does Mauna Loa have block lava?

What type of magma is produced in mauna loa?

Which factors determine how violent an eruption will be?

· It is determined by the primary factors of the magma's Temperature, its Composition, and the amount of Dissolved Gases it contains.

What type of magma that tends to cause explosive eruptions has a what?

High temperature

What are the hottest and coolest stars?

the temperature of red star is minimum and maximum for blue stars . our sun is yellow colored therefore red stars are coolest than our sun . Take the example of Wolf 359 (a type of red dwarf star ) located in the constellation Leo . the temperature of photosphere of this star is about 2800 kelvin and the temperature of sun's photosphere is 5778 kelvin ( effected )

What is the coolest type of fire?

the coolest type of fire is a red fire

What type of lava comes from hot-spots?

It depends on where the hot spot is located. Felsic magma would be produced if it was under a continent (such as in Yellowstone) whereas Mafic magma would be produced if it was under oceanic crust (such as in Hawaii)

What type of rock comes out of kilauea?

Kiluaea is classified as a shielf volcano which means that is produces very fluid lava flows giving it the distinct shape that it has today. This type of eruption is produced by Basaltic magma. Basalt is a type of lava that is very fluid in nature and does not produce explosive eruptions on its own. This type of magma is the hottest in temperature of any type, also the ability for it to flow allows for the gasses dissolved into it to escape readily from it making the eruption styles very placid in nature.