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High-altitude burst

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Q: Which type of nuclear burst occurs above 10000 feet surface level?
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What type of nuclear burst occurs above 10000 feet?

A high-altitude nuclear burst occurs above 10000 feet, creating an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that can disrupt electronic devices over a wide area. The EMP can damage electrical systems and disrupt communication networks, making it a significant concern for national security.

What type of nuclear detonation occurs above 10000 feet and generates a high energy electromagnE tic pulse?

High-altitude burst

What type of nuclear burst occurs above 1000000 feet surface level?

High-altitude Burst

What type of nuclear detonation makes a crater in the Earth?

An underground nuclear detonation creates a crater in the Earth's surface. The explosion occurs beneath the ground, causing the soil and rock to be displaced upwards, resulting in a visible crater above the detonation point.

What type of nuclear detonation occurs above feet and generates?

High-altitude burst

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Erosion, weathering

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What type of nuclear detonation occurs above 100000 feet and generates a high-energy electromagnetic pulse?

A high-altitude nuclear detonation above 100,000 feet results in a phenomenon known as high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP). This type of explosion produces an intense burst of gamma rays, which interact with the Earth's atmosphere to create a powerful electromagnetic pulse that can disrupt or destroy electronics and electrical systems over a wide area.

What type of nuclear detonation occurs above one hundred thousand feet?

High-altitude burst

What is the place on earth27s surface directly above the point where movement first occurs in an earthquake called?

The place on Earth's surface directly above the point where movement first occurs in an earthquake is called the epicenter. This is the point on the surface located vertically above the earthquake's focus (or hypocenter), where the seismic waves originate.

Nuclear detonation occurs above 100.000 feet and generates a high-energy pulse?

high altitude burst