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the path followed by one object as it revolves around another is called

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This process is called nuclear fission. In nuclear fission, a large, less stable nucleus is split into smaller, more stable nuclei, releasing a significant amount of energy in the process. This reaction is the principle behind nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons.

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Nuclear fusion

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Q: Which type of nuclear reaction from large less stable nucei decomposing into small more stable nuclei?
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An amtom undergoes a reaction ant attains a more stable from how do you know is it was chemical or nuclear reaction?

If an atom undergoes a chemical reaction, it involves rearrangement of electrons in the outer shell to form new chemical bonds. On the other hand, if it undergoes a nuclear reaction, it involves changes in the atomic nuclei, resulting in the formation of different elements or isotopes. To determine whether it was a chemical or nuclear reaction, observe whether there are changes in the electron configuration or in the atomic number and mass of the atom.

What combines in groups or three to form nuclear particles?

Protons and neutrons combine in groups of three to form atomic nuclei. Protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge; together, they are held together by the strong nuclear force to form stable atomic nuclei.

What do a heavy nuclei need to remain stable?

Heavy nuclei need to have a balanced ratio of protons to neutrons to remain stable. They also need to have the strong nuclear force between nucleons overcome the electrostatic repulsion between protons. Additionally, the nuclei need to have a sufficient binding energy to hold the nucleus together.

Why is a larger nucleus not as stable as a smaller nucleus?

A larger nucleus has a higher number of protons, which results in stronger repulsive forces between the positively charged protons. This can lead to instability as the repulsive forces can overcome the attractive nuclear force, causing the nucleus to be less stable and more likely to undergo radioactive decay.

What is the difference between the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb?

The main difference is in the type of nuclear reaction they use. Atomic bombs rely on fission (splitting of atoms), while hydrogen bombs use a combination of fission and fusion (merging of atoms). As a result, hydrogen bombs are more powerful and destructive than atomic bombs.

Related questions

What are the various differences between a stable and an unstable nuclei?

A stable nucleus has a balanced number of protons and neutrons, while an unstable nucleus has an imbalance. Unstable nuclei undergo radioactive decay to achieve a more stable configuration. Stable nuclei have a lower energy state, while unstable nuclei have excess energy that needs to be released.

Are the nuclei of final elements produced by nuclear decay more stable or less stable than the nuclei of original radioactive elements?

Of course they are more stable, therefore they formed naturally.

Which best describes what forms in nuclear fission?

A two smaller, more stable nuclei

An amtom undergoes a reaction ant attains a more stable from how do you know is it was chemical or nuclear reaction?

If an atom undergoes a chemical reaction, it involves rearrangement of electrons in the outer shell to form new chemical bonds. On the other hand, if it undergoes a nuclear reaction, it involves changes in the atomic nuclei, resulting in the formation of different elements or isotopes. To determine whether it was a chemical or nuclear reaction, observe whether there are changes in the electron configuration or in the atomic number and mass of the atom.

What is used to change a stable isotope into a radioactive one?

A nuclear reaction

What is the difference between the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb?

The main difference is in the type of nuclear reaction they use. Atomic bombs rely on fission (splitting of atoms), while hydrogen bombs use a combination of fission and fusion (merging of atoms). As a result, hydrogen bombs are more powerful and destructive than atomic bombs.

What is the definition of a average star?

The point in in a stars evolution during which it maintains a stable nuclear reaction.

What provides the stability that occurs in larger atomic nuclei?

The strong nuclear force provides the stability in larger atomic nuclei by overcoming the repulsive electromagnetic forces between protons. This force binds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, making the atom stable.

How is nuclear energy formed?

Some nuclei, notably U235 and Pu239, can be made to cause a chain reaction where neutrons are produced in nuclear fission, and propogate more subsequent neutrons so that a steady rate of fissions can be achieved. Each fission releases an amount of energy in the form of heat, which is then used in generating plant similar to that in a fossil fuelled power plant.

Does radioactive isotopes have a stable nuclei?

Radioactive isotopes are not stable.

Energy that is released from an atomic nucleus?

Nuclear energy is held in the strong force holding the protons and neutrons together. There are two ways to release it:Fission of large nuclei into smaller ones - large nuclei (e.g. Uranium-235) are inherently unstable and when struck by a neutron split into two smaller nuclei (fission products - usually about 1/3 and 2/3 the original atomic mass) and 2 or 3 free neutrons plus the released nuclear energy as kinetic energy of these particles.Fusion of small nuclei into larger ones - small nuclei (e.g. Deuterium) are very stable, but when highly compressed and heated to millions of degrees, they will combine with each other releasing nuclear energy as kinetic energy of the product nuclei.Elements in the middle (from iron to lead) cannot undergo either fusion or fission as they have no excess nuclear energy (you can think of them as nuclear "ash").

Can fusion reaction result in nuclei with higher z?

Fusion can occur between any two nuclei provide the proper environment (temperature and pressure) is maintained for a long enough time. The result can be a nucleus with a higher z than before the fusion reaction. It should be noted, however, that the resulting fused atom may not be stable for very long and may undergo fission (or another type of nuclear decay) very rapidly.