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amoeba can change shape instantaneously

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Q: Which unicellular organism can change its shape constantly?
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Related questions

What does amoebas mean?

Amoeba or ameba, plural amoebae or amoebas: A single-celled (protozoan) organism that constantly changes shape. The word "ameba" is from the Greek "amoibe" meaning "change."

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What are animals with no definite shape called?

The amoeba is a type of an organism which is unicellular and has no definite shape. Amoeba came from the Greek word 'amibe' that means change.

What is the simplest level of organization in a multicellular organism?

A unicellular organism is made of only one cell, exists alone and performs all cell functions alone. Some examples include an Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium

What is paremecia?

Paramecia are a group of unicellular ciliate protozoa also known as "slipper animalcules" from their slipper shape. See the link below for a photo.

What shape is an amoeba?

A really dark green. It kind of looks like barf. 

When does the moon change shape?

The moon supposedly "changes shape" all the time, as the moon is constantly orbiting the Earth however the moon doesn't actually change shape, it is the amount of the sunlit side of the Earth that we see changing.

How do unicellular organism move?

Unicellular organisms move in a variety of ways. Paramecia have cilia, which are tiny hairs that act like oars and propel the organism along. Bacteria move by rotating a flagellum that looks a bit like oars and propel the organism These organisms "swim" along. An amoeba moves by changing shape and forcing its cytoplasm into extensions called pseudopods. - s delacruz

What is an amoeba called?

naturalists referred to Amoeba as the Proteus animalcule after the Greek godProteus who could change his shape. The name "amibe" was given to it by Bory de Saint-Vincent,[3] from the Greek amoibè (αμοιβή), meaning change.[4]

How do unicellular move?

Unicellular organisms move in a variety of ways. Paramecia have cilia, which are tiny hairs that act like oars and propel the organism along. Bacteria move by rotating a flagellum that looks a bit like oars and propel the organism These organisms "swim" along. An amoeba moves by changing shape and forcing its cytoplasm into extensions called pseudopods. - s delacruz

What are manipulated traits?

a manipulated trait is something that is changed in an organism after it is born, like if you change the shape of bamboo by bending it around something

What is a desmid?

Green, unicellular algae, some of which resemble a microscopic banana shape is a desmid.