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Q: Which wavelengths bend the least upon exiting a prism?
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Do all the colors of the rainbow leave a prism at the same place?

No as different colours of light(that is different wavelengths) move through glass at different speeds they bend when entering and exiting the prism by different amount causing a dispersion of the light into different wavelengths.

What separates white light into it various colors?

White light appears white because it is a conglomeration of all the different wavelengths of light. A prism will separate the different wavelengths because they refract (or bend) at different angles through the prism.

What happens when light strikes a prism?

If the light enters the prism at an angle the light will bend. The amount the light will bend depends on its wavelength. Each wavelength is bent a different amount effectively splitting the light into its constituent wavelengths. Visible light (390 - 750 nm) will split into a rainbow. see link below

What makes rainbows colorful?

Water droplets in the air act like a prism and bend the light rays from the Sun which splits the light into the individual wavelengths, allowing you to view it as a rainbow.

When can light bend?

Light could bend when it enters a prism. A prism is a transparent object such as glass.

How is a chromatic aberration related to a prism spectrograph?

chromatic aberration is due to the change in n, which is a function of the wavelength. different wavelength--> different n--> different refraction-->different angle-->this is spectrograph.

When light passes through a prism why does the light ray bend towards the base of the prism?


What is a transparent object that allows light to bend?

A glass prism

How do prisms work?

Refraction is when light bends through an object. White light is made up of all the colors of the spectrum. Different colors have different wavelengths, therefore they bend at different angles. So when white light passes through a prism the different colors bend at different angles, so they separate to produce the rainbow of light that we see.

What is the function of a prism?

It splits light up into a frequency spectrum.

Can light rays bend?

Yes. The best known is the prism effect of a rainbow; but magnetic fields and gravity also bend light.

Who discovered a prism can bend light?

Unknown, but Newton formalized it and wrote it up.