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it depends if it is on the reactant side or product side. BUTTT in this case, I am assuming HCL is a solid.which whether or not it is on the reactant or product side, there would be NO CHANGE.

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Q: Which way would a reaction shift with the addition of HCL?
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This reaction is:CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2 + HCl -------------->[CH3CH2CH2CH2NH3]Cl

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Shouldn't be. I'd barely expect them to react at all (HSO4- is a weaker acid than HCl, so there would be some reaction).

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Halite does not react with HCl.

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HCl or hydrochloric acid will react with NaOH (sodium hydroxide) in a netralisation reaction. HCl is a strong acid and NaOH is a strong base or alkalai. The resultant solution will be warm/hot due to the exothermic reaction taking place. This is an aggressive reaction if the materials are concentrated. HCl + NaOH --> H2O + NaCl

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The reaction between HCl and NaOH is a neutralization reaction, or an acid/base reaction. It isHCl + NaOH ==> NaCl + H2O

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Potassium chloride and water result from this reaction: KOH + HCl = KCl + H2O

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No, HCl(aq) C2H4(aq)C2H5Cl(aq) is not considered a reaction mechanism. It appears to be a chemical equation representing a single-step reaction where HCl reacts with C2H4 to form C2H5Cl. A reaction mechanism involves multiple steps and intermediates, detailing the complete pathway of a chemical reaction.

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