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The most commonly used weapons of Vikings were the sword, axe, and spear. Swords were very expensive to make, and therefore were used mostly by people of high status. However, due to the expensive items Vikings would take while raiding, most Viking warriors would own a sword. Axes were cheaper to make, and could be used as a common tool as well as a weapon. Axe heads typically were made from wrought iron, with the cutting edge being made out of steel. Spears were perhaps the most common. They were two to three meters long, with an ash shaft and a metal head. Throwing spears had lighter, thinner heads than spears used for stabbing, which had heavier and broader heads. A large variety of knives were also used, as well as bows going up to one hundred pounds in draw weight, although these were slightly less common.

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Q: Which weapons did the vikings use?
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In emergencies, sure, but they had access to Iron so used metal weapons and armor.

What type of weapons did the vikings have?

swords and axes.

Why do vikings need weapons?

so they dont get hurt ! why else ?