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By being His disciple - an imitator of His words and ways:Matthew 19:17New King James Version (NKJV)17 So He said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one isgood but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments."

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There is no best slot i sugjest you go to the left and play the other i still tring to find out what it isGOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just realized while laying on the couch, if you tilt your game boy forward, almost like it would be if it were on a table face up and opened, the blue and red 7's become a lot easier to see and the rest of the options blur out mostly. It's now a game of timing and not so much luck anymore. It can still take some time to get all three reels perfectly timed, but you will see its not nearly as long as just trying to get lucky. Hope this helps, Good Luck.

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For Girls:1. He'll try to flirt, if he's good, and if he isgood at it, he will. 2. Younger boys will tease. But once boys get older, they don't do that as often or not at all. 3. He'll ask you on a date. If he's shy, he won't look you in the face. (Probably at his feet or up at the ceiling.) 4. One of his friends or himself will ask you if you like him. 5. He'll ask you for your number and text you.For Boys:1. She'll look at you and when you look back at her, she'll turn around. And then look at you after you turn around. 2. She'll try or will flirt with you. 3. She will ask you out. 4. She'll try not to act desparate, even though she she might be. 5. She'll start trying to look better if she likes you and your taking to long figuring out if she does or not. 6. Be clumsy in front of you.

How was Jesus portrayed in the Book of Micah?

A:Jesus is not mentioned, directly or even indirectly, in the Book of Micah. However, the author of Matthew's Gospel made good use of passages from Micah, taken out of context to foreshadow the life of Jesus.Another View:Many Christians believe that the writings of the Old Testament had many things in them that spoke of the coming Christ (see Luke 24:44). This is particularly true of the 'Prophets' section in this section of the Bible (see Luke 24:24-27).This then relates to Micah who had written 'echoing' Isaiah in many cases. Micah gives some important details about the coming Messiah, just as Isaiah did. Specifically, Micah 4:1-5 is nearly identical to Isaiah 2:1-4 where each portray the 2nd Coming of Jesus as our righteous King of kings and Lord of lords during the 1000 year Millennial Rule on Earth. Now no one knows for sure whether or not Micah borrowed this passage from Isaiah or vice versa, or both of them wrote it independently of the other, one thing is certain - God inspired both of them in any case.In a broader sense then portraying Jesus as the sacrifice for all mankind, Micah 6:8 could be read as a summation of the message of all the Prophets as well as the whole Bible:Micah 6:8New King James Version (NKJV)8 He has shown you, O man, what isgood;And what does the Lord require of youBut to do justly,To love mercy,And to walk humbly with your God?Throughout the Scripture, God often contrasts sacrifices and offerings with these godly characteristics He is looking for in mankind. God's purpose has always been to help us think and act as He does which He knows is most beneficial for us. Sacrifices were meant to be a reminder of sin and a foreshadowing of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ- no animal sacrice could wipe away our past sins and the guilt we experience from them. However, the children of Israel had come to focus on these sacrifices as they believed them to be primarily what God wanted. But God makes clear that what He really wants much more than sacrifices is righteous, merciful and humble behavior. The portrayal of the perfect example of this behavior was the Messiah, Jesus Christ.Lastly, Micah would also prophesied that Bethlehem would be the place of the Messiah's birth (Micah 5:2; fulfilled in Matthew 2:1-12).