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A pound is a pound no matter what material is being weighed; they weigh the same. As long as the material is weighed in the same system, like Avoirdupois, 16 ounces of anything is a pound.

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They both weigh the same amount.

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Q: Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of sand?
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Which weighs more - a pound of water or a pound of sand?

They are equivalent.

What weighs more a pound of lead or a pound of sand?

they both weigh the same because a pound of sand and a pound of lead will still weigh a pound

Weight of a pound of sand?

A pound of any matter weighs one pound.

What is heavier a pound of feathers or a pound of sand?

both are the same ther 1 pond

How much does a 25 pound bag of sand weigh?

A 25 pound bag of anything (sand included) weighs 25 pounds.

How much does 16 oz of sand weigh?

16 oz of sand weighs one pound.

Why does a kilogram of sand take up less space than a kilogram of feathers?

because sand is smaller than feathers and it would take up as much space with the sand , and if the feathers were there it would take up more space because its and larger object than the sand .

What is heavier 2000 pounds of sand or 2000 pounds of feathers?

They total the same, a handful of sand for example would weigh more than a handful of feathers but because they both add up to a specific weight neither is heavier than the other there would just be more feathers than sand..

Why does a kg of sand take up less space then a kg of feathers?

Because sand is a more dense substance than feathers - it has a larger mass-to-volume ratio.

Which weighs more 5 gal of sand or 5 gal water?

Sand is heavier than water.

What is more heavy 20 pounds of sand or 20 pounds of feathers?

Is this supposed to be a trick question? 20 pounds of feathers be the same weight as 20 pounds of sand? They're both 20 pounds.

Which weighs more a yard of dry sand or a yard of dry gravel?

A yard of dry gravel weighs more than a yard of dry sand. One yard of dry gravel is equal to 2970lbs/cu. yd while one yard of dry sand weighs 2619lbs/cu. yd