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higher amount of solar energy.

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Q: Which would cause the potential evaporation and transpiration to increase in a given month?
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What kind of climate and weather conditions do you wil cause a high rate of transpiration?

Warm air can hold more water vapour than cold air therefore transpiration will take place more rapidly into warm air.Furthermore, when the sun shines on the leaves,they will absorb heat as well as light which increases the rate of evaporation of water. In moving air ,the water vapour will be swept away from the leaf as fast as it diffuses out.This will speed up transpiration.The air should also be less humid to accept more water vapour.

When do you see clouds?

Fog is caused by a drop of temperature when the air is moist. Air always has some moisture in it. On a warm day there will be quite a lot of moisture in the air caused by evaporation of surface water or transpiration from plants. However, if the temperature drops the moisture starts to condense into droplets big enough to cause light scatter. We call this size water droplets low to the ground - fog. Early morning fog often clears as the sun hits it due to the re-evaporation of the water.

Does transpiration effect dew on grass?

Absolutely. Air which is close to the ground cools overnight. While the air is cooling, the relative humidity is increasing until it reaches the dew point and water is released. Transpiration can also cause the dew point to be reached by increasing the relative humidity. This is why there is much more dew on the grass than on pavement.

How does temperature affect the growth and yield of crops?

When annual temperatures increase sharply above the ideal crop temperature, it can cause a decrease in a crop's yield. Likewise, other factors like an increase in carbon dioxide levels can cause an increase in the growth of crops.

What is the definition or how can a hazard be described?

A hazard can be defined as the ability or potential to cause harm through either injury or an accident.

Related questions

Which would cause the potential evaporation and transpiration to decrease in a given month?

im not sure but i think A high rainfall

Does evaporation of salt water cause it to increase or decrease density?

The density increase after evaporation.

What happens to water on the ground to cause evaporation to occur?

An temerature increase also increase the evaporation.

Do evaporation of salt water cause density to increase or decrease?

The density of water increase after evaporation.

Do evaporation of salt water cause density increase or decrease?

During evaporation the density increase.

What could cause the salinity of a sea to increase?

an increase in evaporation

What could cause water to evaporate more quickly?

An increase of the temperature increase the the speed of evaporation.

Does evaporation make decreasing temperature?

Yes. Evaporation will cause temperature to decrease or will slow down a temperature increase.

Does evaporation of saltwater cause density to increase or decrease?

The density of the water increases.

Which pair of factors would cause salinity to increase?

evaporation and freezing of sea water

Give three conditions which would cause water loss from a plant to increase?

High temperatures, low humidity, and windy conditions can all increase water loss from a plant through transpiration. These factors can lead to faster evaporation of water from the plant's leaves and an increased demand for water uptake from the roots.

Will a darker pool liner cause more water evaporation?

A dark pool liner might cause a very small increase in water evaporation, but nothing significant. The dark pool liner will raise the water temp a bit which, in turn, may increase the evaporation rate. But, the evaporation rate is much more dependent upon the air temperature and humidity than on the water temp, so the increase in water temp would only have a very small effect on the overall or net water evaporation rate. Hope this helps ... yes, it will, and it could be a significant increase.