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Apple juice

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Kellen Bednar

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Q: Which would conduct electricity when mixed water?
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Would conduct electricity mixed with water?

A water solution containing ions conduct electricity.

Would conduct electricity when mixed with water?

A water solution containing ions conduct electricity.

What would conduct with electricity when mixed with water?


Which would conduct electricity when mixed with water?

Apple juice

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Would salt sugar oil or oxygen conduct electricity when mixed with water?


Which tipe of elements conduct electricity the best?

I would say that salt water would conduct electricity best.

Would NaOH conduct electricity?

Like other ionic compounds NaOH will not conduct electricity in its solid form, but will if dissolved in water or molten.

Does bleach conduct electricity?

Chlorine is a non-metal. Therefore it does not conduct electricity. Only metals conduct electricity. Metalloid's also conduct electricity.The normal form of Chlorine is a diatomic gas (Cl2).Gasses do not conduct electricity under normal conditions.(High voltages can ionize gasses, making them conductive.)

How does soda conduct electricity?

Because it is a liquid , consisting free moving electrons

What sort of material would conduct electricity?

Any metal, water, skin and many other substances.