

Who WASN'T allowed 2 play basketball a long time ago?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Who WASN'T allowed 2 play basketball a long time ago?
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yes by the time basket ball was invented women were allowed

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In netball you cannot bouncethe ball whereas you can in basketball and in netball only certain players are allowed in specific thirds prior to which position they play, but in basketball the whole team is allowed anywhere.

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Elementary kids play 8 minutes per period in basketball.

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to play Basketball

What does Kobe Bryan eat when he plays basketball?

Do you mean *Bryant*? and basketball players don't eat anything when they play basketball... They can not play with a full stomach. They are only allowed to drink either water, or Gatorade or some type of hydration fluid. #TROLLED!

How long do you have to go to college to play basketball?

At least 1 year

Did basketball used to be 'mens only'?

Basketball was created for a boys gym class when they were bored, so naturally, like everything else at the time, girls weren't allowed. After a while, girls were allowed to play, but in skirts only. Finally, girls today are just as good at basketball as guys.

What is the lowest age to play basketball?

Well anyone can play any long as you know how to walk and have hand eye coordination (and the basketball isn't too heavy for you), then you should be fine...i thinkAnswer5

Why can males playing basketball have long hair n not have to put it up like females with long hair who play basketball?

Because it will make females trip

How will basketball keep you heathy?

You run a lot in basketball, there for it makes you fit, but it also depends on how long you play it and how hard. And what you eat.