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it was in soviet side

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Q: Who allied with Russia in ww1?
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Who were the allied powers during ww1?

Great Britain, France, and Russia

Which development made us entry into ww1 vital of the allied cause?

Russia dropped out of the war

The name given to great britain france and russia during ww1?

triple entente of the allied powers

Which Allied nation was first to mobilize troops after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Russia was the first Allied Nation to mobilize troops against Austria-Hungary for its declaration of war on Serbia.

What alliances where formed in WW1?

the countries that made up the allied powers were Great Britian, France, United States, Italy, Japan, and Russia. Although Russia backs out later on.

Is Italy allies or axis?

well in ww1 it was in the allies. but in ww2 it was a axis. so i dont know if it will be allied or axis.

What nation did not belong to the Allied Powers during ww1?

Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Serbia, Belgium, France, Monte Carlo,

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Which countries fought for the allied powers in ww1?

the allied powers were the u.s, great britain, and then there was russia. -No. Actually Russia left to fight its own revolution. Ending the Triple Entente. France, Great Britain, US, Japan, Italy, Serbia, and others fought as Allies.

State of being allied in ww1?


Was the french on the us side in ww1?

Yes in WW1 and WW2 the French were allied with the US.

Which country was allied with Serbia in ww1?

Russia was Serbia's main ally during World War I. Russia had a powerful army and powerful allies as well.