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Peter, John and Paul

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Q: Who are 3 of jesus' messengers?
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Is Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith and Muhammad the same messengers?


Why did the angel pronounce Jesus birth to Shepherd?

Angels were gods messengers, and they told the word of the birth of Jesus to humble shepards.

Why did jesus apostles become messengers?

The word apostle means messenger. And Jesus told them to go and spread the word all over the world.

What did Jesus and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji have in common?

Both are considered messengers of God.

Who are the messengers of Allah that were called oulou al-azm?

Noah, Abrahaam, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed (peace upon them).

Did really Jesus has come to Tamilnadu?

Yes, in the form of his messengers of the Gospel; but not in his person during his bodily life on earth.

Who are the 3 messengers of Zeus?

Hades,Hermes and Rhea

Who all were the messengers who received books?

Some of the messengers who are believed to have received divine books include Abraham (Torah), Moses (Torah), David (Psalms), and Jesus (Gospel).

Was the gate to heaven closed before Jesus' birth?

The gates were always open, sometimes messengers are needed to show the path to the heaven.

What are the release dates for National Geographic Explorer - 1985 Messengers of the Gods 2-3?

National Geographic Explorer - 1985 Messengers of the Gods 2-3 was released on: USA: 2 February 1986

Who are considered to be messengers from God?

The three main God messengers are:Prophet Moses per God revelation of Torah to himProphet Jesus per God revelation of the Bible to himProphet Muhammad per God revelation of Quran to him.Peace be upon them all.

What are the names of the 5 messengers in Islam?

The Muslims believe inall prophets. Some of the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an are: Hazrat Adam (AS), Hazrat Noah (AS), Hazrat Abraham (AS), Hazrat David (AS), Hazrat Moses (AS) and Hazrat jesus Christ (AS). The five Rasool (Messengers) as opposed to the Nabi (Prophets) are Hazrat Abraham (AS), Hazrat Moses (AS), Hazrat David (AS), Hazrat Jesus (AS), and Hazrat Mohammed (AS).