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Q: Who are 9 genius actors who played dumb characters?
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Was Teri Garr in Dumb and Dumber?

Yes, Teri Garr was in Dumb and Dumber. She played Helen Swanson.

What actors and actresses appeared in Dumb Angel - 2005?

The cast of Dumb Angel - 2005 includes: Anders Erickson as Drummer

What actors and actresses appeared in Dumb -- And How - 1929?

The cast of Dumb -- And How - 1929 includes: Harry Allen Eva Thatcher Bert Young

What actors and actresses appeared in Dumb Luck - 1931?

The cast of Dumb Luck - 1931 includes: Ann Codee Frank Orth

What actors and actresses appeared in Dumb Luck - 2009?

The cast of Dumb Luck - 2009 includes: James Pantoja as Jesse Brian Rifici Evans Velasquez Victor Verhaeghe

Related questions

Is there a second Dumb and Dumber?

Yes, it's called Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd(2003), but it does not star Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. The same characters (Harry and Lloyd) are played by different actors.See the Related Link below for more information about Dumb and Dumberer.

What actors and actresses appeared in Dumb Dumb - 2009?

The cast of Dumb Dumb - 2009 includes: Eli Place as Shelly "Dumb Dumb" McElroy

How do you make a cardboard car?

cut it genius what are you dumb think people think cough cough looser.

Why are Atlantic salmon endangered?

There are only a few left genius. Sheesh people sure are dumb these days...

Will tower prep have the same characters?

It'd be pretty dumb if it doesn't.

Are English people slow thinkers?

depends if you were born a genius..or not:) you can still CHOOSE to get dont HAVE to be dumb... mind over matter:)

Characters who face external conflicts means?

are stupid dumb asses and diamonds ugly

What actors and actresses appeared in Dumb Sagacity - 1907?

The cast of Dumb Sagacity - 1907 includes: Gertie Potter

What actors and actresses appeared in The Dumb Bell - 1921?

The cast of The Dumb Bell - 1921 includes: Harry Sweet

What actors and actresses appeared in The Dumb Waiters - 1922?

The cast of The Dumb Waiters - 1922 includes: Sidney Smith

What actors and actresses appeared in A Dumb Friend - 1926?

The cast of A Dumb Friend - 1926 includes: Arthur Lake

What 3 Disney characters' names mean dumb?

lefoer, dumbo, dim, dopey goofy