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there is not known predators of Dendrobates pumilio, but anecdotal accounts of crabs and snakes are puzzling.

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big animals [including humans] can smash them

big animals [including humans] can smash them

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Q: Who are some enemies of the poison arrow frog?
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What is the size of a poison arrow frog?

There is some variation in size, but most poison arrow frogs are around one-cubic inch in volume. (Approximately 10 cubic centimeters.)

Why is the poison arrow frog on the endangered spieces list?

Because some native people kill the frogs and tip their darts with the frogs poison.

What is the most deadliest frog?

Blue Poison Dart FrogThese pint sized frogs aren't for kissing. Their backs ooze a slimy neurotoxin that is meant to keep predators away. Each frog produces enough of the toxin to kill 10 humans.

What is the poisonous river animals?

Some of them are the sea snakes that also move in the riverwater.some amphibians like poison arrow frog and the violet bodied frog and some toads are also poisonous and live in riverwater.

What is a poison dart frogs tongue used for?

Natives of South America used the toxins secreted by the frog, which are some of the most toxic biotoxins found, to coat the heads of their arrows. This ensured a quick kill even with a non-lethal wound.

What layer of the rainforest does a poison arrow frog live in?

It depends on the frog. Many live on the forest floor near wet areas such as streams, rivers or wetlands. Some also live in the forest canopy.

Some of the animals of the amazon rainforest?

Spider Monkey, Toucan, Scarlet Macaw, Poison Arrow Frog, Kinkajou, Jaguarundi, Jaguar, Howler Monkey, Harpy Eagle, Bushmaster, Barred Leaf Frog, Anaconda.

What are some enemies of the red eye tree frog?

The Red Eyed Tree Frog has enemies. Some of the enemies are birds, owls, large snakes, and bats. The Red Eyed Tree Frog has ways to protect itself. This frog has camouflage. This makes it so this frog is not endangered.

Where do most poisons come from?

Some are mineral based (eg Arsenic) Some are gaseous (eg Carbon Monoxide) Some are plant based (eg Ricin) Some are animal based (eg poison arrow frog)

What are some behaviors of a poison dart frog?


Why does the poison frogs don't die and the poison in it?

Because the poison of some frogs, (poison dart frog's) poison is on the outside of the body, not the inside.

Is the dyeing poison dart frog poisonous?

Modified poison dart frog poison taken from the skin of the poison dart frog known as tricolor produce a very powerful painkiller.Treatment for touching a wild poison dart frog is mostly supportive. There is no cure, but some antivenoms have been known to lessen the effects of the poison, at least for the less-poisonous poison dart frogs, such as Subpunctatus, Lugubris, and Flotator.