

Who are the Dropa?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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12y ago

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ANSWER:The Dropa are a tribe living in the BayanKara-ula mountains in the region between the Tibet and Chinese boarder. They are a race neither Chinese of Tibetan in looks or stature. There was a cave discovered in the area that had arranged graves side by side with small statured, big headed creatures in them. These were at first thought to be gorillas but later decided against because gorillas don't bury their dead. There were over 700 stone discs found in the cave with a spriral groove on it similar to a album or lp record. They 9 inches in diameter and 3/4 inch thich and had a hole in the center. These dated to 10,000 - 12000 years ago making them older then the pyramids. The spirals , upon closer examination had heiroglyphics on them and were eventually deciphered. The message read that a group of people fell from the sky in a spaceship. It was damaged and they had to seek refuge in this cave 10 times the first day. They were unable to repair the spacecraft and were unable to return home. The Dropa are small in stature and are referred to as the pygmy tribe. There is a lot about them that is considered to be a hoax. It is a good topic of discussion and good reading material if you get the time.
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This remains an unanswered question.There is skimpy evidence suggesting the possibility of alien visitors to Earth. Much of this already sketchy evidence is obfuscated by wild speculation and scientific sounding drivel.See related links for a sampling of some of these stories.---This is a most magical topic. Researching it will take you down back alleys and diversions across the massive span of what might appear to be wackiness and hijinkiness mixed with science and rationality.When I punched in "aliens on earth" into my favoured search engine, and you can do this with Google if you want, the first link that appeared (TruTV in the related links below) resulted in a 13 page slideshow of evidence that aliens have visited our planet. Here's a sampling of this result, which I encourage you to review and enjoy at your leisure:1) 10,000 BC - while exploring caves in the Himalayas, an archaeologist and his students found small tombs which contained the skeletons of a number of 4'4" beings. The archaeologist, Dr. Tsum Um, analysed stones (the Dropa Stones) which told a story of a group called the Dropas which crashed on Earth. They were killed by local tribes due to their inhuman appearance.2) 3,000 BC - Ancient texts dating back to 3,000 BCE described "Vimnas", flying machines that soared through the air and in space. They were said to be used as vehicles for Hindu gods and are here speculated as vehicles for extraterrestrials.3) 1,180 AD - The Japanese government conducted an investigation into sightings of what they called "earthenware vessels" (flying saucers) which left behind them a glowing trail of smoke. The government stated it was the wind making the stars sway, which may have been one of the first alien coverups in human history.4) 1,794 AD - More recently, the skeletal remains of Napolean Bonaparte were examined, and inside was found an object resembling a microchip. It was supposed that Napolean was abducted by aliens and implanted with the device.5) 2,011 AD - What appeared to be a decayed and damaged body was found partly buried in Siberia's frozen tundra. It looked nothing like any Earth creature known at the time.This is just the tip of the iceberg. I'd also recommend checking into some of David Icke's stuff (his last name is pronounced "ike", not "ick"), with both an open mind and a hefty grain of salt, as he speaks often of reptilian extraterrestrials (possibly the Anunnaki) having controlled and manipulated the human race for thousands of years, and even having ultimate control over the Vatican (which controls the thirteen families that have managed our planet's finances, politics and technological capabilities).Like I said - back alleys and diversions. Enjoy your trip through this alternate dimension!---