

Best Answer

Aeschylus. Sophocles. Euripides. Aristophanes. Plautus. Terence. Seneca. Christopher Marlowe. Lope de Vega. William Shakespeare. Ben Johnson. John Webster. Moliere. Pierre Corneille. Jean Racine. William Brindsley Sheridan. August Strindberg. Henrik Ibsen. George Bernard Shaw. Eugene O'Neill. Tenessee Williams. Bertold Brecht. Arthur Miller. Neil Simon.

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Q: Who are the most famous play writers?
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You can say one of them is William Shakespeare.He's famous isn't he?...

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Who wrote about the gauls?

Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.Julius Caesar is the most famous person who wrote about the Gauls. Most other writers only mention them in passing or as a part of a larger work.

When was Famous Writers School created?

Famous Writers School was created in 1961.

Who speaks French who is famous?

Most French politicians, generals, heroes, scientists and writers Most Canadian politicians, generals, heroes, scientists and writers Most educated people in the world

What is Ibsen's most famous play?

Ibsen's most famous play is probably A Doll's House.

Who are the most famous American writers of mystery?

Edgar Allan Po and Stephen King

How can you use the word writers play in a sentence?

Writers work hard then writers play hard.

What are famous writers of the fourteenth-century?

Geoffrey Chaucer, known for "The Canterbury Tales," is one of the most famous writers of the fourteenth century. Other notable writers include Petrarch in Italy, Boccaccio in Italy, and Christine de Pizan in France. These writers contributed significantly to literature and poetry during this period.

Who were some greek writers?

The most famous one i probably the writer of the Odyssey and the Illiad, Homer