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Saint Claire.



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Q: Who are the old money families of France?
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Who provided most of the money raised by the continental congress for the revolution?

The rich families of the colonies provided most of the money raised by the Continental congress for the revolution. A few examples of these families was the Adams of Massachusetts and the Richard Henry Lee of Virginia.

What were the old noble families of France or Nobles of the Sword under Louis XIV?

I have not found it yet in my social studies book

Why did french people like new France?

The french people liked New France because it gave them a new beginning in a new place. France also paid families a large sum of money per child in the new world.

What does it mean when someone says that a person has 'old money'?

The phrase "old money" generally refers to inherited wealth. This is usually associated with established upper-class families who pass down their wealth through generations. If a person has "old money," it means they inherited their wealth from their family.

What was the old name for French money?

Prior to the adoption of the Euro, the historical currency of France was the franc.

Is it unusual for 3 to 4 generations living together in the same house?

Yes and no. Many "old-fashioned" families still live this way, but in today's families, it's usually because of money.

What are the Values of France?

Money converting us dollar to France money

What has the author Royce Money written?

Royce Money has written: 'Ministering to families' -- subject(s): Church work with families

What is the money for France?

In France they have euro's.

What money is use in France?

sarthera is mostly used in France it is a France word for quarter. The money used throughout most of France is the Euro.

How are the women treated?

women were treated fairly by their families in France.

Why do families borrow money?

Because they don't have enough money at the time.